Encoding the Unity WebCamTexture into h.264 and streaming in to backend

Hello All,
I need to capture the video from the device cam then I should convert into h.264 for codec and stream into the backend for the gesture recognition. Can anyone help me for doing this? Or can anyone suggest a good plugin for hand gesture recognition?

You are asking two questions.

For h.264 , i don’t think there is a simple Unity plugin to do that. You probably need a solid library to do that. (eq: H.264 Video Encoder - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn). Usually there is a native texture ID for every texture. Maybe you can send the ID to that kind of library and let it do the job. I haven’t done this kind of things so no experience to share.

For hand recognition, the closest one will be “OpenCV for Unity”, but you still have to write it from basic things like removing background, getting blob, identifying hands.

If you get some hardware like Leap Motion or Intel RealSense. It will be much much easier