EndlesRPG - Inventory System - complete inventory solution for ONLY $5!

EndlesRPG - Inventory System

On the Asset Store for only 5$!

The first of the many upcoming tools in the EndlesRPG creation kit for RPGs have just been released on the Asset Store!

The Endles RPG - Inventory System is an inventory system solution, with a fast and beautiful workflow, aiming to put an end to your searches and give you one of the best ways of integrating inventories in your game.

The great workflow of this inventory system is a result of the easy-to-use custom inspectors and overall easiness of use.

Some of the features:

  • Written in C#
  • Fully customizable(look and functionality)
  • Support for drag and drop, stacking, throwing
  • Arrange by: level, rarity, quantity
  • Right-click menus
  • Full documentation
  • A simple custom GUI, to get you started
  • Example scene and scripts included
  • Currently using UnityGUI

I am planning to work on developing this further, and much more will be added(item sizes, tabs etc)!

(press ‘I’ to open the inventory and click the boxes and the button in the upper-left corner to add items to it)

ALSO, here is the current Quick Setup and Guide .pdf file you will also find in the project folder, so you can get an idea over the integration and workflow of the EndlesRPG - Inventory System.


Suggestions or at least opinions would be great!

Looks Great… Do you have any plan to support NGUI?

Thank you, and yes! UnityGUI is way to slow, and as I am planning to develop this a lot more, NGUI will have to be there at some point.

A new update will come soon, including optimization and a few more features!

To promote this brand new product, I am coming with a great promotion!

The first 10 buyers of the EndlesRPG - Inventory System will get a free copy of my Dissolve Shaders Package(Dissolve Shaders Package | VFX Shaders | Unity Asset Store). Just after buying, email me with your invoice number and I will send you the Dissolve Shaders Pack!

My email adress: andrewassetstore@gmail.com

Only 9 left of the promotion!

Only 8 left!

The promotion is still going on!

The next 10 buyers of the EndlesRPG - Inventory System will get a free copy of my Dissolve Shaders Package(Dissolve Shaders Package | VFX Shaders | Unity Asset Store). Just after buying, email me with your invoice number and I will send you the Dissolve Shaders Pack!

My email adress: andrewassetstore@gmail.com

The EndlesRPG - Inventory System is on the store for only 10$!

Checked this out yet? Only 10$ on the Asset Store!

Got any idea or suggestion for this inventory system? Leave it here!

Also, new update coming soon, including fixes and a tab system.

I like that this is fairly minimalist, so it can fit with any design and genre.

Few major things:

  • Definitely add NGUI support (or some form of optimized GUI)

  • Dropping items from inventory should have the option to spawn the object in the world, at the location in front of the player that was ‘released’ from (id est coherence)

  • Optional ‘Tetris’ inventory; having items that that take up more or less space in inventory, ideally having odd shapes requiring the player to arrange them to optimize their capacity. I’ve been anxious to see this implemented, yet there hasn’t been a single inventory system on the Asset Store that has even attempted this, considering just how many systems are available. Anyway, example tilesizes would be:

  • 1x1 - a coin

  • 2x4 - a piece of 2" by 4" wood :smile:

  • 6x6 - a large section of body armor

  • Stack splitting? (This might exist but I couldn’t get right-click to work in your demo)

  • Equip System, be it a character sheet or a highlight system (tile changes color to denote it is equipped) or even a text message at the bottom of the tile that simple says “Equipped”. I’d imagine most people would want to see a character sheet…

Minor things:

  • Demo, while fine, might serve your intended audience better if it felt more how it will be used (game environment). Right now I can’t tell if you’ve disengaged the camera from the mouse-cursor simply because there is no mouselook. Have a small, clean environment, similar to what you have now certainly, and allow the player to walk around, pick up actual objects (not just click scene elements), and drop them back into the world.

If you stick with this, keep it clean and not try to shoehorn it into an MMO/Fantasy Game/JRPG/etc, I can see this a solid, easy to use system.

Lastly, remember you play games too…find what you like ‘mechanically’ in other games and see if you can replicate and integrate it. You can have a robust, feature rich system that the user can toggle as few or as many as he likes, all the while keeping it simple to use and easy to make it ‘their own’.



This is absolutely great, thank you loads!

My pleasure…

…now get to work!!! :smile:


As I am going through a hard time in life right now, and as high school kills most of my time right now, I feel like taking a break, so I have decided to get the price of this complete inventory solution down to only $5. I will eventually get back and get this to be even better than it already is, but for now it will stay like this.

For everybody who buys, enjoy it, and feel free to post here all your ideas, suggestions, bugs, complaints and so on!

Thank you!