I am making a space shump game for class and have followed the textbook exactly but for some reason, after I added the following code in order to spawn enemies at random, they no longer travel down the whole screen and instead appear stuck at the top of my game.
here is the code I added
using UnityEngine; // Required for Unity
using System.Collections; // Required for Arrays & other Collections
using System.Collections.Generic; // Required to use Lists or Dictionaries
public class Main : MonoBehaviour {
static public Main S;
public GameObject[] prefabEnemies;
public float enemySpawnPerSecond = 0.5f; // # Enemies/second
public float enemySpawnPadding = 1.5f; // Padding for position
public bool ________________;
public float enemySpawnRate; // Delay between Enemy spawns
void Awake() {
S = this;
// Set Utils.camBounds
// 0.5 enemies/second = enemySpawnRate of 2
enemySpawnRate = 1f/enemySpawnPerSecond; // 1
// Invoke call SpawnEnemy() once after a 2 second delay
Invoke( "SpawnEnemy", enemySpawnRate ); // 2
public void SpawnEnemy() {
// Pick a random Enemy prefab to instantiate
int ndx = Random.Range(0, prefabEnemies.Length);
GameObject go = Instantiate( prefabEnemies[ ndx ] ) as GameObject;
// Position the Enemy above the screen with a random x position
Vector3 pos = Vector3.zero;
float xMin = Utils.camBounds.min.x+enemySpawnPadding;
float xMax = Utils.camBounds.max.x-enemySpawnPadding;
pos.x = Random.Range( xMin, xMax );
pos.y = Utils.camBounds.max.y + enemySpawnPadding;
go.transform.position = pos;
// Call SpawnEnemy() again in a couple of seconds
Invoke( "SpawnEnemy", enemySpawnRate ); // 3
Once I created this to spawn enemies at random, the enemies stopped travelling down the screen and now stay bunched up at the top. I don’t know how to fix it.
using UnityEngine; // Required for Unity
using System.Collections; // Required for Arrays & other Collections
using System.Collections.Generic; // Required to use Lists or Dictionaries
public class Main : MonoBehaviour {
static public Main S;
public GameObject[] prefabEnemies;
public float enemySpawnPerSecond = 0.5f; // # Enemies/second
public float enemySpawnPadding = 1.5f; // Padding for position
public bool ________________;
public float enemySpawnRate; // Delay between Enemy spawns
void Awake() {
S = this;
// Set Utils.camBounds
// 0.5 enemies/second = enemySpawnRate of 2
enemySpawnRate = 1f/enemySpawnPerSecond; // 1
// Invoke call SpawnEnemy() once after a 2 second delay
Invoke( "SpawnEnemy", enemySpawnRate ); // 2
public void SpawnEnemy() {
// Pick a random Enemy prefab to instantiate
int ndx = Random.Range(0, prefabEnemies.Length);
GameObject go = Instantiate( prefabEnemies[ ndx ] ) as GameObject;
// Position the Enemy above the screen with a random x position
Vector3 pos = Vector3.zero;
float xMin = Utils.camBounds.min.x+enemySpawnPadding;
float xMax = Utils.camBounds.max.x-enemySpawnPadding;
pos.x = Random.Range( xMin, xMax );
pos.y = Utils.camBounds.max.y + enemySpawnPadding;
go.transform.position = pos;
// Call SpawnEnemy() again in a couple of seconds
Invoke( "SpawnEnemy", enemySpawnRate ); // 3