Hi everyone, thanks for giving me attention.
So basically I got a simple script to spawn enemies at a certain range around the player, but I don’t want them to spawn too close to the player so I tried something like this.
private void Start()
InvokeRepeating(nameof(createRandomEnemy), 0.0f, cooldown);
void createRandomEnemy()
float xRand = Random.Range(0, xLimit);
float zRand = Random.Range(0, zLimit);
Vector3 spawningPos = new Vector3(xRand, 2, -zRand);
if (Vector3.Distance(player.position, spawningPos) < minDistance)
Debug.Log("Too close");
Instantiate(enemy, spawningPos, Quaternion.identity);
what I want this to do is check if the location is too close to the player and if that’s the case then just choose another position but when I use return the function doesn’t resets (I know that it just breaks the function but IDK what else to use) and it just waits for the cooldown and invokes again, basically skipping the enemy. if any of you got any solutions to this I’d be really happy to see it.
any kind of help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot!