Enemies pop up 2.0 Y roughly when shot.

I have a basic project after a week where I am able to shoot zombies that when shot die, When they’re close they attack, all transitions in animations look smooth however…

When I shoot them, they seem to pop up to about chest height for a frame then return to the ground like a flash or flicker. Is this being caused by my collisions from a line render? I’m miffed as to why this is occurring. I will continue to troubleshoot and see what the cause is, but was curious if anyone else has run into this before.

Ok I figured out what was causing it. I have this part of my script now commented out and it stopped the action.

hitParticles.transform.position = hitPoint;

It was not a collider after all, but a point being allocated to the collider calling a particle system to spurt blood… I don’t know why it would have popped the enemy like that… But for now I’ve figured out the popping cause and I’ll look into it more. Thanks guys!