Enemy AI Help

I am trying to create a script to have an enemies head rotate to the players position with a damping effect so the enemy head isn’t facing the player every second…It also detects if the player is in range of the enemy …This is what i have so far…

var lookAtTarget : Transform;
var damp = 6.0;
var range = 100;
var leftRay : GameObject;
var rightRay : GameObject;
var mode = "idle";

function Update () 

	//rotation becomes slower when following
	if(Vector3.Distance(transform.position, lookAtTarget.position) < range)
		//Difference between two points in 3D space
		var rotate = Quaternion.LookRotation(lookAtTarget.position - transform.position);
		//set the rotation to become slower
		transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, rotate, Time.deltaTime * damp); 
		Debug.Log("got you");
	if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, lookAtTarget.position)>range){

The above script rotates the head when the enemy is in range… But now i am trying to detect when the enemies head stops rotating and is looking straight at the player. This is because i want the enemy to shoot light rays out of it’s eyes when the player stops moving and the enemy head is pointed directly at the player.

Also, how can i have objects interfere with looking at the player. For example, if the player is behind a wall, the enemy cannot see the player. Please, all help is greatly appreciated!!!

But now i am trying to detect when the enemies head stops rotating and is looking straight at the player
the vector of the head’s forward axis dot producted against the facing direction will be near 1. You may want to zero out the Y components first.
if ( Vector3.Dot(forward.normalized, (lookAtTarget.position - transform.position).normalized)) > .9)

Also, how can i have objects interfere with looking at the player
See Physics.Raycast docs

I got my first problem fixed with the help of that code…
I was experimenting with physic.raycast earlier and this is the code i was trying to get to work:

        var dist = Vector3.Distance(lookAtTarget.position , transform.position);
	var hit : RaycastHit;
	if(Physics.Raycast(transform.position, dist, hit , range))
		Debug.Log("I don't see you");
		Debug.Log("i got you");

i was trying to simulate a player hiding behind an object which causes the robot to stop the rotation of it’s head and player is then not in the enemies view…

but i really couldn’t get the this to work and was unaware as to where to put this in my current code…
Again, here is the code i am working with

var lookAtTarget : Transform;
var damp = 6.0;
var range = 100;
var leftRay : GameObject;
var rightRay : GameObject;
var mode = "idle";

function Update () 
	//rotation becomes slower when following
	if(Vector3.Distance(transform.position, lookAtTarget.position) < range)
		//Difference between two points in 3D space
		var rotate = Quaternion.LookRotation(lookAtTarget.position - transform.position);
		//set the rotation to become slower
		transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, rotate, Time.deltaTime * damp); 	
	//look at nothing if not in range
	if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, lookAtTarget.position)>range)
	//Find out when the enemy is looking at the player
	if ( Vector3.Dot(transform.forward.normalized, (lookAtTarget.position - transform.position).normalized) > .99) 
			Debug.Log("got ya");

Object in the way detection can be done like this :-

if(Physics.Linecast(transform.position, target.position, hit))
		if(hit.collider.gameObject.tag != "Player")
			return false;
			return true;

right, psyclones way is better. BUT FYI your problem (or one of them at least) with Raycast was that dist is a scalar (single value) ,not a Vector3. A danger of untyped unityscript!

thanks guys !!!