I have a huge enemy AI measuring 505050 and a player of size 111. The enemy is shooting but it’s raycast rarely hits the player. He is shooting somewhere else. How to maintain the precision and accurateness?? Here is the raycasting script. Where do I need to edit??
void ShootTheTarget()
enemyaudio.Play(); //plays the gunshot audio during gunshot
RaycastHit enemyhit; //enemyhit stores info about raycast which hits the target
if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, target.position, out enemyhit, 40f)) //actual ray which travels
//if works if we hit something
PlayerTracker playerspotted = enemyhit.transform.GetComponent<PlayerTracker>(); //PlayerScript is Player's script name
//if it hits on player then only if condition is true becoz of this PlayerScript
if (playerspotted != null )
Debug.Log(hero.bulletcount); //or playerspotted.bulletcount;
playerspotted.PlayerDamage(10f); //here target acts as object(reference) of TargetScript