Hello! I’m doing the “Nightmare” tutorial, but in the fourth part (creating enemy) the enemies are following the player very quickly.
Here is the enemy movement code:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace CompleteProject
public class EnemyMovement : MonoBehaviour
Transform player; // Reference to the player's position.
PlayerHealth playerHealth; // Reference to the player's health.
EnemyHealth enemyHealth; // Reference to this enemy's health.
NavMeshAgent nav; // Reference to the nav mesh agent.
void Awake ()
player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player").transform;
playerHealth = player.GetComponent <PlayerHealth> ();
enemyHealth = GetComponent <EnemyHealth> ();
nav = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent> ();
void Update ()
if(enemyHealth.currentHealth > 0 && playerHealth.currentHealth > 0)
nav.SetDestination (player.position);
nav.enabled = false;
I wonder if there is any way to make the enemy follow the player more slowly.
I’m new with scripting, i’m really a beginner. Sorry for my bad english, any help is appreciated!