Enemy Moving Does Not Work With A Model?

So I wrote my enemy script originally with just a unity Sphere as the place holder of my enemy. I was happy with it, and it worked. I’ve made my enemy model and implemented it into unity. I attached the same scripts and gave it the same values as the enemy placeholder. When I run the game however, the enemy just sits there and does nothing, but shoot towards my feet when i come into range. Here’s my movement code (Keep in mind, I’m making a sidescroller on the x and y axis):

amtToMove = movespeed * Time.deltaTime;

	transform.Translate(Vector2.right * amtToMove);

	transform.Translate(Vector2.left * amtToMove);

Forward is already set to true, and movespeed is = 5, it’s also an Int. The enemy just has a sphere collider right now.

The animaion’s component is attached to the same transform you’re trying to move, and it overrides it. Create an empty gameObject, make your character a child of it, remove the scripts that moves the player and add it to that empty game object.