Enemy not taking damage on collisions.

Hello I need help with Enemy health and collisions.

My problem is i have an enemy object with health script attached.
The enemy would take damage when it collides with the player.

When i test it the enemy doesn’t take damage from collisions and gets destroyed only when its health is set to 0 in the inspector.

Both colliders (Player and the enemy) are set to triggers.
Both the player and the enemy have character model.Only the player is animated and the player character model is set as a child of the PLAYER object.

I don’t know what is wrong. No errors.
Anybody knows how to fix this ?

This is my code.
public float maxHEALTH = 100;
public float currentHEALTH;
public float amount = 50;

    void Start()
        currentHEALTH = maxHEALTH;
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if(other.gameObject.tag == "Player")
            currentHEALTH = currentHEALTH - amount;

    void Update()
        if(currentHEALTH <= 0f)
    void DIE()


Trigger events are only sent if one of the colliders also has a rigidbody attached.

You should consider having a rigidbody attatched to the player gameObject

Are they both set to static? Static triggers won’t send messages to static triggers. Unity - Manual: Introduction to collision has some handy charts on this.

Otherwise, what does debug say? If you set a breakpoint just inside your OnTriggerEnter() and then run the player into the mob, does it actually get to that code? If so, step over and make sure it’s properly reading the Player tag.

In other words, either the colliders aren’t setup properly, or something isn’t hitting in the script. Both should be pretty straightforward to diagnose.