The issue I am having and I is most likely because I am calling it in the Update function every second. It does follow my script in a way, but it spawns far quicker and far more than my script should. Also this is my entire spawning script in case you want to test it.
The reason I wrote my increase the spawn rate over time script like this was because I figured it would hold together and I don’t know how to write an actually good increase over time spawning script.
var side : int;
var Enemy : GameObject;
var timeToDecrease : float; // Time the spawner waits to spawn the next enemy
var decreaseCounter : int; // After 4 enemies spawn, decrease time to wait
var decreaseBool : boolean = true; // Start/Stop first spawn rate decrease
var decreaseBool2 : boolean = true; // Start/Stop second spawn rate decrease
function Start(){
timeToDecrease = 3;
function Spawn(){
// Spawn the enemy, yeild for seconds, and increase counter
Instantiate(Enemy,transform.position, transform.rotation);
yield WaitForSeconds(timeToDecrease);
// When 4 enemies have spawned increase the spawn rate by .5 seconds
if(decreaseCounter == 4 && decreaseBool == true){
timeToDecrease -= .5;
decreaseCounter = 0;
// If the enemy is spawning every .5 seconds the stop the spawn rate decrease
if(timeToDecrease <= .5){
decreaseBool = false;
// Once spawn rate is at .5 seconds decrease by .1 second until it reachs .1 second for each spawn
if(decreaseCounter == 4 && decreaseBool == false && decreaseBool2 == true){
timeToDecrease -= .1;
decreaseCounter = 0;
// If the enemy is spawning every .1 seconds then stop decreasing spawn rate
if(timeToDecrease <= .1){
decreaseBool2 = false;