Hi . How do i make enemy from another scene to target the player.
My scene is like this, the player will destroy all enemy and when
all enemies are destroyed the portal will open and the player will
be transported to scene 2 and my enemies in scene 2 is supposed to look at the
player which is not because i deleted the camera and the player in scene2
and used DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject) so that the player in scene 1
will not be destroyed when entering to scene 2. I tried searching but
i didn’t find any.
Here’s my script to my enemy:
var distance;
var target : Transform;
var lookAtDistance = 45.0;
var attackRange = 25.0;
var moveSpeed = 3.0;
var damping = 6.0;
var bullitPrefab:Transform;
var savedTime = 0;
private var isItAttacking = false;
function Update ()
distance = Vector3.Distance(target.position, transform.position);
if(distance < lookAtDistance)
isItAttacking = false;
lookAt ();
if(distance > lookAtDistance)
if(distance < attackRange)
attack ();
function lookAt ()
isAttacking = true;
var rotate = Quaternion.LookRotation(target.position - transform.position);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, rotate, Time.deltaTime * damping);
var seconds : int = Time.time;
var oddeven = (seconds % 2);
function attack ()
isItAttacking = true;
moveDirection = transform.forward * moveSpeed;
function Shoot(seconds)
var bullit = Instantiate(bullitPrefab ,transform.Find("spawnPoint").transform.position ,
bullit.gameObject.tag = "enemyProjectile";
bullit.rigidbody.AddForce(transform.forward * 3000);
savedTime = seconds;
Any help would be appreciate.