English teacher way out of her league needs urgent assistance

Hello! I have no idea what I am doing! I have never taken programming courses , but I wanted to grow as a person and a professional by taking courses here and there related to gaming. My dream and main goal is to create an educational game for my ESL students. I want to make learning grammar FUN! But, unfortunately I really don’t know what I am doing. I am currently taking courses here at Unity, but I am also taking a course through Domestika. I am so overwhelmed , frustrated, and disappointed! The instructor (in Domestika) talks and explains everything like if someone was chasing him, so I have to stop the recording about 100 times and repeat. I managed to create a 2d character but something went wrong with the character (which the instructor made me name “Player”), and the script I had to create through another source. When I click on the icon of the script I created and move it on top of the “player”, the system says they don’t match or something in that line. Please help me so I can help my ESL students. Thank you!!!

Hello. Check youtube channel: Gameplusjames. He has quite amazing tutorials for beginners.

To learn programming languages I like hackerrank.com. For Unity specifically I’m not sure of anything I would recommend. I would recommend building a game design document, preparing the art work and getting a good freelancer to build the game for you.

You will have to decide for yourself how much time you want to dedicate to learning how to make games, if you already have a full time job, plus household obligations, learning how to code will eat away at your free time, it is not something you can just learn overnight. As a teacher yourself you can evaluate this easily ( how much time do your students have to dedicate to learn what you are trying to teach them? ) probably you are teaching them over the course of 9 months for a basic class 3h to 6h per week, plus they need to study on their own. With this is mind you have to figure out if the time investment is worth it for you. If you figure out it is not, it isn’t the end of the world, you can still do what you want and pay 50$ to someone to do it for you ( many people in freelancer websites will do it for you maybe even cheaper. )

First of all, I want to say that you are an excellent professor who really thinks about his students and wants to make the learning process fun. There are too few such teachers. I express my respect to you.
Secondly, the programming language is complex, and you need excellent courses for beginners. It’s too bad that the courses you take have disappointed you. Maybe you need to find really good courses. I had such a problem with learning English and with courses. All the courses were absolutely meaningless, so I decided to take everything into my own hands. I found free worksheets on https://englishlinx.com and said them. According to them, I studied everything necessary and was satisfied.

I would recommend free YouTube tutorials such as these below: