Enhance productivity and functionality

Unity 6 comes with several new and updated tools to enhance your productivity and functionality across your entire Unity development environment with better profiling options, an updated ProBuilder, and a redesigned Cinemachine, ensuring you have a smooth and intuitive workflow. The improved UI Toolkit enhances the ease and flexibility of connecting data to UI elements, streamlining the development process for UIs in both the Editor and Runtime environments. Additionally, we have released the all new Behavior 1.0 package, allowing for easier behavior graph creation and management. You can find more details per product below. We hope you will find the upgrades useful in your projects.

Profiling tools

Unity 6 brings two major updates when it comes to the Memory Profiler. First, graphics memory that was previously uncategorized is now measured and reported per resource (e.g., render textures and compute shaders). Second, reporting of resident memory is more precise – for example, memory that is swapped to disk is no longer counted towards this. These updates address your direct feedback around the problem of understanding native memory use in particular. Visit the Profiling tools features page to learn more about profiling and to access useful resources or reach out to the Product Manager Cristiana Moraru.

The Unity 6 Memory Profiler now breaks down your graphics memory by resource

UI Toolkit

UI Toolkit comes with several additions with the Unity 6 release. We have added a new Runtime Bindings, a fully extensible data binding system to further streamline interface design and to accelerate the development of complex and dynamic UI. Additionally, the visual authoring workflows are better, new controls are added, and the extensibility for UI developers is improved. Below you can find the full list of UI Toolkit improvements.

New Runtime Bindings

  • A fully extensible data binding system

Improved Authoring Workflows

  • New Inspector affordance
  • Search in the UI Library
  • Deep attribute overrides
  • Inline styles extraction to selectors

New and improved standard controls

  • New TabView and ToggleButtonGroup
  • Icon support added to Buttons

Enhanced Extensibility

  • Streamlined custom element creation
  • Complex data structure using UXML Objects
  • Use PropertyDrawers in the UI Builder Inspector

On the UI Toolkit features page you can find resources that help you to get started with UI Toolkit, or if you are already a user, to deepen your knowledge. If you have any specific questions feel free to reach out the Product Manager Benoit Dupuis.

UI Builder: Custom inspectors, UXMLObjects editing, and visual workflows for data bindings


ProBuilder 6 comes with an updated UX that allows you to spend more time in creative flow with more 3D screen real-estate and less time clicking through menus. The presented menu options are contextual and relevant with new, live operation previews. This is all achieved using the EditorTool API that is available for anyone wanting to develop custom tooling in the Unity Editor. For comprehensive resources to help you get started, please visit this page. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to the Product Manager Eric Dziurzynski.

Level design in ProBuilder


Cinemachine has been redesigned, and now features a reorganized UI, API, and GameObject structure, to ensure you always have intuitive and easy game cinematics, and linear productions. For more information about Cinemachine, feel free to visit the Cinemachine features page or reach out to Chinny Brynford-Jones.

Cinemachine in Unity 6

Unity Behavior

Unity Behavior is a tool for easily creating logic and behaviors for game objects and non-player characters. It provides a visual, node-based system where you can create behavior graphs that dictate sequences of interactions and triggered actions. In this new release for Unity 6, Behavior allows for easier graph creation and management, and support for set-up of more complex interactions that utilize resource types like audio clips, particles, and textures. You can also now run dynamic subgraphs where objects that come with their own behavior can easily integrate with your main graph. For resources to get started, visit the official documentation page. Learn more and share feedback and feature requests by visiting our Discussions page or by reaching out to the Product Manager Christophe Robert.


Setting-up a play node in Unity Behavior


Is this document still hold that UGUI are still the preferred choice in unity 6 ?


UGUI :sparkling_heart:4EVA

Down with the Tyranny of UI Toolkit! :stuck_out_tongue:


Hi Thaina,

The decision tree suggests using UGUI if you’re not sure which capabilities you’ll need, since UI Toolkit still misses some features UGUI has.

Otherwise, we encourage you to evaluate if UI Toolkit meets your projects needs, it’s a supported, capable and matured solution.


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Thank you for your clarification

Thanks for calrify. It help me.