Enhancing Android Development Flexibility in Unity


I’m reaching out to discuss a few ideas on how we could make Android development in Unity even better. Specifically, I’d like to talk about the current limitations on build tools and JDK versions.

Build Tools and NDK:

  • Version Flexibility: While I understand the need for a default NDK version, restricting users to a specific version can hinder experimentation and adoption of newer features and optimizations.
  • Custom NDK Support: Consider introducing an option to allow users to specify their own NDK version, assuming full responsibility for compatibility and potential issues.

JDK and Gradle Plugin:

  • Version Choice: The ability to select a preferred JDK version would align with the evolving landscape of Java and Gradle.
  • Backward Compatibility: Given the generally backward-compatible nature of JDKs, users should be able to choose a version that meets their project requirements.

Developer Preferences:

  • SDK, JDK, and NDK Flexibility: Allow developers to specify editor preferences for SDKs, JDKs, and NDKs that may not necessarily match the Unity engine/editor Android version requirements (as listed on: Unity - Manual: Android environment setup). This empowers developers to leverage specific versions based on their project needs and take full responsibility for any compatibility issues that may arise.

Specific Requests:

  • Custom NDK Path: Allow users to specify a custom path to NDK version of their choosing.
  • JDK Version Selection: Provide an option to choose the JDK version used for building projects.

By implementing these changes, Unity can empower developers to leverage the latest Android technologies and streamline their development workflows.

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to cooperate with native teams as their workflows evolve much faster than ours.

Thank you for considering this feedback.

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