Enter play-mode full-screen mode

With Unity 2022, we got the ability to enter play-mode in a full-screen window. This is a really useful feature, but there are some minor annoyances:

Even when “Warn if No Cameras Rendering” is turned off, the warning is shown. UI-only-applications don’t need cameras, but now, you have to add one just to remove this warning.

The default key bind for exiting full-screen mode is too complex. With my laptop keyboard, I have to press the “Fn” key to use F1-12. To exit full-screen, I have to hold down CTRL + SHIFT + FN + F7. This is too much. It is also a very random key bind, that is easy to forget.


Thanks for the feedback. I’ve forwarded it to the team.

You can rebind the shortcut via the Shortcuts Manager.

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Just spent 20 minutes searching the internet only to find the answer on this page after having forget the magic sequence/pin code/key binding and having no way to exit back to the editor (luckily I had the second screen to do the search otherwise it would have required nuking from the task manager).