Enter Trigger, play animation(s) and sound FX

I’ve been testing a few Java scripts for playing animations when my player enters a triggered area, but I had too much problems creating at my own.

What I need is a script that whenever my player enters a triggered area, I want at least 2 animations to play at the same time and also an Audio Source (otherwise known as a sound FX)

Here’s what I mean with those two animations:

  • Making GameObject’s rotating and moving
  • GUI transition (Fade effect)

Both of my animations are ready, just need a function in order to activate them. If you guys have a good way to solve this question, post them below! I would appreciate it :slight_smile:


Just write an OnTriggerEnter event to call both functions (trigger script):

function OnTriggerEnter(other: Collider){
  if (other.tag == "Player"){ // remember to tag the player as "Player"

NOTE1: The player must be a rigidbody or a CharacterController in order to be detected by the trigger.

NOTE2: Be aware that you can’t rely on Time.deltaTime inside OnGUI: calculate the alpha value in Update or a coroutine, and use it inside OnGUI.