Enter vehicles?

Hey guys. I’ve been working on the 2D Gameplay Tutorial and am looking to make a few changes. Hopefully you guys can help me out :smile:

  1. Using the scripts that come with it, you can control both Lerpz and a spaceship by clicking on their corresponding button in a box in the top left. I wanted to know how to make it so I could walk up to the ship as Lerpz, press a key and enter the ship instead. Any help on this would rock =).

  2. There are platforms that move between two points. How would I go about making them stationary, and only moving when Lerpz is on them, as well as adding a bit of lag so they stop for a second or so at each endpoint. Y’know, like the typical side-scroller elevator. 8)

  3. Also, I know this is incredibly nooby of me, but I also need an example script of how to map keys to certain functions (for example, pressing “g” to toggle gravity and such.

Thanks in advance,

  1. When Lerpz goes up to the ship, disable his renderer and all his scripts. Then when you want him to reappear, turn them all back on again and move him to right next to the ship.

  2. I would use the collision info to find out what object just hit us and if it is Lerpz move up and then stop moving when he stops colliding.

  3. Either go to the Edit/ProjectSettings/ Input or use Input.GetKey(“g”).

Thanks a ton man, but I don’t have the faintest idea how to code that.:shock: Could you post an example script or 2 for me? :slight_smile:

Here’s one script. It goes on the player and you call it from the ship.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class PlayerEnterShip : MonoBehaviour {
	private Renderer[] renderers;
	private MonoBehaviour[] scripts;
	void Start () {
		renderers = GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>(); //Gather all the Renderers
		scripts = GetComponentsInChildren<MonoBehaviour>(); // Gather all the scripts
	void Disappear () {
		foreach (Renderer ren in renderers) {
			ren.enabled = false;
		foreach (MonoBehaviour script in scripts) {
			script.enabled = false;

	void Appear () {
		foreach (Renderer ren in renderers) {
			ren.enabled = true;
		foreach (MonoBehaviour script in scripts) {
			script.enabled = true;

I was going to write it in Javascript, but I got a strange casting error so here it is in C#. I’ll work on the next one, but here’s this so you don’t have to wait.

Thanks Peter. I’m looking forward to the next one :smile:.

I am going to really busy for the next couple of days so this should help get you started. I’ll post when I can.

C# version. This all goes inside a class named whatever you want.

void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col) {
     if(col.gameObject.CompareTag("Player")) {
          //Run movement stuff.  Use Time.time and subtraction to figure out how long it has
          // been standing in one place.

Javascript version.

function OnCollisionEnter(col : Collision) {
      if(col.gameObject.CompareTag("Player")) {
            //Run movement stuff.  Use Time.time and some subtraction to figure out how
             // long it has been standing in one place.