Entire scene is moving when moving the headset

I am new to VR development, and I am currently working with Oculus go.
I deployed an example scene which comes along with the OculusUtilities.unitypackage into my oculus go,
but when I move my head, it tends to move the entire scene along with it. basically, it feels like I camera is stuck to a fixed position and direction. I have also enabled virtual reality supported in the player settings and used OVRCameraRig.

In Project Settings check if XR Plugin-In Management is installed and then if in the Android Tab → Plug in Providers → “Oculus” is activated. Also check in the Player Settings if in the Build Settings under “Run Device” your device is selected.

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Oh and check in the hierarchy if you put the LocalAvatar as a child into the TrackingSpace of the OVRPlayerController

Hi @ashishdevden , in case you didn’t know, Oculus Go is no longer supported. You can read more about that here. We’re definitely seeing a lot of momentum towards Oculus Quest development, so recommend looking into that. Cheers!

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Hi, I have the same problem as this, only I am using the Oculus Quest with XR interaction Toolkit. Is there something I might have forgotten to do while setting up my VR headset? How can I solve this?

Thanks for any help

I’m having the exact same problem with the Quest now.

If you are still having this problem… or if anyone else comes here looking for a solution, the problem for me was that Unity defaulted to the old input system (possibly because I chose to keep it when it asked if I wanted to delete the old input system and have only the new one), so make sure you have:

Edit → Project Settings → Player → Active Input Handling = Input System Package (New)

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I was already using the new input system with the issue still persisting. Is there another solution? Im also using the XR Interaction ToolKit (XR Origin)

Make sure to add a Tracked Pose Driver component to the camera.


Hello, I believe I have the same issue I can’t solve it. I’ve posted a Thread about it, with a video showing the issue.
Find a summary here :

« To summarize, I am making a VR application where I am located on a height (here, on a construction machine).
When I am on top of it, and I turn my head, the machine turns slightly in the opposite direction.

For example, when I turn my head to the right, the machine moves slightly to the left. When I turn my head upwards, the machine moves slightly downwards.

This creates a certain sense of unease once inside the helmet.

I took a video by activating the “Monoscopic” option of the OVRCameraRig prefab of the “Oculus Integration” asset, to better realize the problem. The end of the video is, in my opinion, the most explicit.

It gives a sensation of “walking on a rocking boat”.
I hope this is felt in video, especially at the end, because in the headset you really feel it.

It may be useful for you to know, that when I launch the game from Unity with the PLAY button, it is my PC that is in charge of the application, and the effect does NOT occur.

However, when I inject my application into the Oculus Quest 2 (which is standalone), the phenomenon occurs.
I thought it was a GPU or CPU overload problem, but even with a blank project, just being up on the work machine creates this problem from the headset. »

Hi! It seems we’re having the same problem here. In particular, we are able to reproduce it after putting the headset to sleep, and then rotate it, and wake it up, sometimes multiple times.

Were you able to find any solution for it?

For reference, where is the original thread?

I fix this problem in my case (oculus 2):

Changing to the old input system, restart the unity and after that backing to the new one.

This don’t make any sense, but worked.

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Hi, I had the exact same problem using XR Interaction Toolkit.

I solved it by removing (de-activating also works) the XR Device Simulator (provided by XR Interaction Toolkit) prefab from my scene before building the project. You can easily find out if you have one by typing XRDeviceSimlator in the hierarchy search bar.


Just removing the XR Device Simulator, solved the issue.


Hi I’ve got the exact same issue in Quest Pro & 3 with the latest SDK (v.59) and no XR Device Simulator


I have the same issue ith Quest 3 in Unity 2022.3.16f1 and the 2.5.2 Interaction Toolkit

Hi I have find where it came from. Whenever headset is unmounted, the system shuts down the screens and resets spatial understanding : the headset’s coordinate system is moved.
There are two solutions :

  • putting a tape on the inside sensor of the helmet to prevent it from shutting down on unmount
  • Use spatial anchors on a parent of your objects in the scene
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I ran into this issue as well.
What i did to solve this is instead of dragging and dropping the XR rig origin prefab.
I right clicked on hierarchy > XR >XR Origina (VR)

Then I didn’t have the nauseau inducing camera issue.

I have the same issue and am using Quest 3 with Unity 2022.3.19f1. Initially my scene did have XR Device simulator and I had unchecked it in the project settings, however, that made no difference.