Entry animation skipped at launch

i don’t know if i’m doing something wrong but i would definitly say it’s a bug and i’m surprised i couldn’t find any thread about it. I’ve tested it on 2020.2.3f1 and 2019.4.18f1

I have a simple animator with just a default state which scale up the panel. If I just hit “run” with the gameobject enabled, the animation will not be played, i’m right away set at the end of the default state.

On the other hand, if i hit “run” with the gameobject disabled, then i enable it, the animation is properly played.

I feel there are conflicts between the initialization of the animator and the project itself.

If you log Time.deltaTime in Awake, you can see that the first frame on entering play mode usually has a massive value which will cause it to skip well into any animations and other time based stuff. I don’t think there’s really anything you can do about it.

Thanks for you reply, it’d be great to mention it in the doc instead of looking for a mistake i didn’t make x)