I am experiencing super duper slow build time (like ten minutes or so, which in comparison to my past experiences is super slow) when I am trying to test builds on my android. See the thing is I need 8 separate 2048 x 2048 sprites, which 4 of those sprites are read/write enabled (doubling size) allowing my game to do the things it needs to do.
When I am at the stages “Compiling all assets into archive…” and “Building target package…” is where the slowness comes in.
These textures are RGBA32 with read/write on half of them remember… so yes there is quite a bit of stuff to get loaded into the package… but really? ten minutes? There must be something I can do to speed it up! I can’t sacrifice texture quality (lower res/smaller textures) and I can’t sacrifice read/write (need to edit textures at runtime) so what are my options? Deal with it? I hope that isn’t my only option… I have read some Answers on here (and unanswered problems) where users suggest things like changing the one file in unitys install folder to use different compression… would this apply to me? or is having those read/write textures gonna kill it regardless? Any pro’s out there with insight on this?