Equipment Customization

Hi guys, i have my characters on scriptableobjects. If i want to have each character have there own equipement. do i have to make a reference to the equipments in the scriptableobject card so that when i switch characters in the game display screen, the equipment switches accordingly? Is there a better way to do this? Sorry if im not clear.

Each character should have its own inventory list contained in its main or a equipment script.
The inventory can be a list of your own declared class.
Possibly linked back to an object database (which the commonly shared unchangeable values) like below.

//in character or inventory script

 public List<InventoryItem> inventory = new List<InventoryItem>();

public class InventoryItem
    public string objName;
    public ObjectDB.someObject objInfoLink;
    public int objState;
    public int currentConsumableUnits;
    public InventoryItem (ObjectDB.someObject obj)
        objName = obj.objName;
        objInfoLink = obj;
        objState = 100;
        currentConsumableUnits = obj.consumableUnits;

//in an object database script
public List objectDB = new List();

public class someObject
    public string objName;
    public string objDescription;
    public float objWeight;
    public Sprite objPic;
    public bool canBeMultiple;
    public int objState;
    public bool consumable;
    public int consumableUnits;
    public int healthImpact;
    public int thirstImpact;
    public int energyImpact;
    public int hungerImpact;
    public int mentalHealthImpact;
    public string message;
    public bool isAxe;
    public bool isWeapon;
    public bool canHoldWater;
    public string ifConsumedResultingObject;


Then your main play control script should know which character and therefore which inventory script is currently active and this is the one to display when the inventory button or other is clicked.
Good luck,