Er... any ideas why this would suddenly happen?

The above suddenly started happening today as I build and run and I cant understand why - can any one please shed some light please?

Is it something to do with the files mentioned or is it a DX compression error? I have introduced some new textures this afternoon maybe its them - I shall check.


well a little later and a quick look through the console showed me a couple of hints - I had a huge switch statement which I changed to an IF statement, besides that I changed all the newly introduced images into rgba 16 bits.

Well I got it working on the iPod Touch - but NOT on the iPhone this is rather odd. Any thoughts from anyone please?


Same thing happened to me at one point, for no apparent reason. I switched my computer off, came back the next day and it was working fine. Have to tried restarting everything (including the phones)?

101 is a memory error. You app was killed because it used up all the device free ram. Reboot the phone before trying again, to start fresh.

Did you by any chance add a new texture that is you didn’t set to compress or use on a GUITexture? I see “decompressing DXT” in the output and it will crash the phone.

Yeah I found that it was a low memory issue, but would the iPod Touch have more memory than the iPhone? It works fine on the Touch.

Hmm. Yes I did add new textures yesterday before all this happened, so that could be it - all new textures are guitextures, they are 480 x 320. I do have some 512 x 512 textures (for titles only though). I have optimised all other textures in the game previously.

What is very very odd is that all these new textures seem fine on the iPod Touch device, its just the iPhone which is having an issue. Sigh very odd.

Ok I am going to go back through all my textures and reduce/remove etc. I will report back later.

[edit] ok looking in detail at the new textures I had not set them correctly in terms of their size. Fiddling with them and resetting the iPhone again has done the job. I have tried just resetting the iPhone a few times but I don’t think it hurts to refresh the system.

The iPhone is still playing up so Im going to dynamically load or enable the textures instead of using the current method (guiTextures via GUI.DrawTexture).

What do people think about upgrading to the new iPhone software 2.2.1 ? Is that something I can risk at this late stage in my development?

The iPod Touch 2nd generation is no suitable device for testing.
Its unknown in how many ways it differs but its known that at least the CPU and likely the graphics are significantly more powerfull.

You should probably know that if textures aren’t powers of 2 then they are first scaled up (to 512x512 in this case) and then roughly tripled in memory.

If it’s a GUI texture that you want to be pixel perfect then I suggest you ‘pad out’ the texture with transparent pixels so that it is 512 x 512 yourself. You will save A LOT of memory.

@peter - I don’t think it automatically scales them up. I was under the impression that it will just not compress meaning it will use a 480x320 RGBA 32 bit, which is definitely a lot more k but look perfectly sharp not scaled.

the iphone will not accept texture that is not power of 2 square.
So given it shows up, it is expanded to be 512x512 or combined with other GUI textures to be power of two square.

there is no exception to this requirement as the iphone gives a crap about what people are dreaming of :wink: