Hello all, I am currently in development of Eradicus, which is my first game, so you will probably see me posting questions quite a bit, but I am definitely learning from the questions I ask. I am making Eradicus just to see what I can do, and to learn the basics, and boy have I learned! The development is slow as I am alone and I have real life to tend to, but it is coming along. It is currently in PA 1.6 and I am working on PA 2.0 as we speak! I will have Eradicus up to play soon, but I am making a thread first. I know its nothing much, but I am very happy with the game as it is, so on to the description.
Eradicus is a game based upon survival, and quests. Eradicus will contain key survival features, such as hunger, thirst, sleepiness, hunting, and possibly some form of building. Eradicus will also contain quest and story systems. Each location in Eradicus is hand crafted, and made perfect for the player. On top of all of that, Eradicus will be free!
Thanks for reading, pictures are below. Also, if you want to see my (free) forums for Eradicus, head on over here: http://eradinnovation.freeforums.org/
This first picture is of the inventory, which I will fix up to look better later, the background is just a placeholder for now. Also, the 2 resources (wood and rock) are not going to be the only resources in the game. I know it is not a good inventory, but its the best I could do with this game.Pictures
And this other picture is of the current spawn, which I will make the terrain look better and trees, but I am very happy with what I have right now. The trees you see can all be chopped down to get wood so that you can craft things, and all the sticks and stones on the ground can be picked up to craft things. In PA 2.0 I am adding bigger boulders to destroy with pickaxes.
Also, here is an update log:
PA 1:
+Inventory screen
+Stone Spear
+Stone Axe
+Wood pickups
+Stone pickups
+Stone Spear Pickup
+Choppable tree
+Get wood form tree
+A terrain
PA 1.6:
+Another tree
+Fixed Chopping system
- Stone Pick
- Stone Axe Durability
- A pause menu
+A spawn location
+Sound for chopping a tree - Stone pick Durability
Every update (and sometimes in between) I will add new pictures!