Error 500 when trying to purchase assets

I’ve tried a few cards, and a few browsers, and I cant seem to complete a purchase for a couple different assets I’m trying to get for my team. Is the server down, perhaps?

I’m having the same issue, so you’re not alone. Attempted to purchase a couple assets about 30 minutes ago via PayPal and got 500 error. Still got charged, but the order was marked Pending and the assets haven’t been added to My Assets.

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I had the same error. I purchased with the same card I have made many purchases with before. My online banking shows the money taken/held, but purchased assets are not in my list of assets. Submitted the error info (which luckily includes order number and so on) to support, hoping to get access to what I’ve purchased soon, or worst case get the money back lol

I was able to get a purchase to go through this morning, so it looks like it’s fixed; If you’re havin the same issues :slight_smile:

@Stimz - nice - mostly right now I’m just hoping Unity will activate the assets I paid for on my account, because I ordered while there were discounts which are ending soon (…and I’m probably one of the poorest people on this forum, so to me that matters). I don’t want to re-order the same ones this morning, because it would mean paying twice and would complicate this getting sorted out. I can also imagine they’re super busy and it might be a while before I get any response at all, but whatever though, life goes on! Plus this order in particular was an impulse buy - nothing I want/need urgently. So… yawn whatever, when they get to it they get to it :slight_smile:

No response to my support ticket yet. And today the asset store page is super broken for me and doesn’t load most of the time, including when I try to access my order history. I did finally get in, and it’s still marked Pending.

Edit: a few days later, it was finally taken care of. Missed the rest of the sale, but oh well.

Thanks to Jarvis at support (and Unity’s Payments Team), the assets I purchased have been added to My Assets.

I am facing the same problem , what should I do? Still got charged and No asset in my account , should I try again or I will be charged twice?