Error after update to Beta 22

After the update to 22, I keep getting spammed with this error.

Allocation of 1 bytes 051be280 (or any other number at the end)
TLS Allocator ALLOC_TEMP_THREAD, underlying allocator ALLOC_TEMP_THREAD has unfreed allocations.

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I believe Unity needs additional information to come up with a bug fix.

If you can reproduce this error in a rather reliable fashion, the easiest way (without lots of ping-pong discussions) would be to submit a bug-report following these tips. If Unity has that bug-report in their system, there is a much higher chance to receive a bug fix. Make sure to attach a project to the bug-report that Unity can use to reproduce the error and test their fix against, as described in the bug-report tips.

In order for Unity to pick up your bug report even faster, they often ask to post the bug-report case# here.

I had same problems like you.


Edit # 2

Sometimes crash when stopped playing in editor.

Sometimes crash when stopped playing in maximized screen in editor.

Sometimes crash when playing in editor. (non maximized screen)


Edit # 3

If don’t press clear button at console maybe It’s not crash just maybe. ( Not working )


Edit # 4

Just pressed play button in editor and crash.

Sometimes console show Particle array == Count and crash.

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Got the same error just after updating to the new beta version from 5.4.0 B21. Looks like I’ll have to rollback…


Thanks for catching this
Could you submit a bugreport with a repro project?

It looks like there are already some reports about this – it appears that any time particles are around at all, it dies like this. This matches my experience also. Any chance there will be a quick update to B23 since this build is pretty much dead in the water if you have particles? Normally that sort of statement from a user sounds like hyperbole, but in this case it seems pretty widespread and non-specific.



Just to confirm that you are right - this can happen when destroying particle systems. We have got a fix and are looking to get it into a release build as soon as we can.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

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An update on this - a fix has gone into b23 for this, which will be available soon!

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