Help Me Guys I Just Updated To Unity 5.6 And This Error Pops Up Every Second! I Can’t Play test Please Help Quickly!
The Error is :
- Assertion at …\mono\mini\unwind.c:616, condition `cfa_reg != -1’ not met
Help Me Guys I Just Updated To Unity 5.6 And This Error Pops Up Every Second! I Can’t Play test Please Help Quickly!
The Error is :
You have a file in a folder called mono/mini/unwind.cs, at line 616 of this file, you are throwing an error. The var cfa_reg is not meeting the required condition of being NOT -1.
I.E., cfa_reg probably either doesn’t exist, or is greater than, or less than -1.
I found the solution , Go to control panel > region > Administrative > Change System local > change it to English (US )
Guys please vote on this issue we need unity to solve it:
Here is the forum link for it:
i have now the same problem in some computers and other works fine , i don’t know if it is a bug in the framework that unity5.6 works on or something similar to that ,
Computers that unity5.6 works on is running windows10
Computers that unity5.6 doesnt work on is running 8.1 and windows 7
Thank goodness I’m not the only one, I’ve been banging my head against this for months now, bookmarking this post.
If anyone made a breakthrough let’s post here.
Good luck.