Error: Assets/Scripts/AxeAttack.js(41,35): BCE0019: 'transform' is not a member of 'Object'

I get this error: Assets/Scripts/AxeAttack.js(41,35): BCE0019: ‘transform’ is not a member of ‘Object’

in this script:

#pragma strict
private var isAttacking : boolean = true;
private var attackCoolDown = 0.0;
var damage = 50;
var range = 5;
private var mainCamera;
function Start () {
	isAttacking = false;
	mainCamera = GameObject.FindWithTag("MainCamera");

function Update () {
			attackCoolDown += Time.deltaTime;
	if(attackCoolDown >= 2)
			isAttacking = false;
			attackCoolDown = 0.0;
	if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && isAttacking == false)
	if(isAttacking == false)
			this.gameObject.animation["idle_cube"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;
function Attack ()
	isAttacking = true;
	attackCoolDown = 1;
	var direction = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward); 
	var hit : RaycastHit;
	if (Physics.Raycast (mainCamera.transform.position, direction, hit, range));
		if(hit.transform.tag == "Enemy")
			hit.collider.SendMessageUpwards("ApplyDamage", damage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);


I am pretty new to UnityScript, sorry x)

If you don’t specify a type for a variable, UnityScript will try to guess a type using whatever information you provided in the variable declaration.

In this case, no such information is available, so it’s guessing the most general type: “Object”

var someVariable;          //type "Object"
var someVariable1 = 5;     //type "int"
var someVariable2 = "foo"; //type "String"

You can specify a type to be more specific:

var mainCamera : GameObject;