I’ve been setting up UCB to generate our Addressables but I’ve been getting an error that I can’t seem to get rid of. Essentially I have a content store file for each of the platforms in my repo but for some reason UCB is only able to find the file for my windows builds. WebGL, OSX, Android and iOS all throw the same error:
Error Building Addressables: Could not find a part of the path
The paths are as follows:
Here’s my repo structure: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
I’ve tried running clean builds but that didn’t solve the problem either. I’m really at a loss for what might be causing this…
I’m not entirely familiar with UCB, but the fact that it’s only finding the file for the Windows builds, could that be that you’re not switching to the target platform prior to building? When you create a build through script, you can pass the target platform to build as an argument, but that won’t switch the whole editor environment to that platform. Instead, you could first do something like this prior to building the player:
That way, the addressables package can check against the current environment and copy the correct files. At least, that was what we had to do in order to add Addressables support our custom build tools.
It’s not through script, UCB just detects a push to a specific branch and kicks off a build for each of the platforms I’ve selected. The builds are independent of each other (the machines run concurrently).
Thanks thou 
I’ve seen this occur when an addressable is referenced, but internally has lost its file reference. Try looking at the group .asset file and see if any fileIDs are 0!
If they are, it’s a bug that’s been reported a few times, but I’m not aware of anyone from Unity having acknowledged it.
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