I’m trying to find the source of this error when building. I am testing Unity2018.2.11f1 to see if it will work for us. I have targeted iOS and Android in separate builds but got the same error. In my searching people are suggesting that I have not installed the correct platforms in Unity, but I’m certain that I have:
What else could be causing this?
I am building through a script calling:
var buildReport = BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(buildPlayerOption);
if (buildReport.summary.result != UnityEditor.Build.Reporting.BuildResult.Succeeded)
// Log some stuff
Console.WriteLine("Target: " + buildPlayerOption.target);
Console.WriteLine("TargetGroup: " + buildPlayerOption.targetGroup);
Console.WriteLine("Options: " + buildPlayerOption.options.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Scene Count: " + buildPlayerOption.scenes.Length);
Console.WriteLine("LocationPathName: " + buildPlayerOption.locationPathName);
Console.WriteLine("Platform: " + buildReport.summary.platform);
Console.WriteLine("PlatformGroup: " + buildReport.summary.platformGroup);
Console.WriteLine("Result: " + buildReport.summary.result);
Console.WriteLine("Total Warnings " + buildReport.summary.totalWarnings);
Console.WriteLine("Total errors " + buildReport.summary.totalErrors);
throw new Exception("Build failed: " + buildReport.summary.totalErrors);
This is my output:
Target: iOS
TargetGroup: iOS
Options: Development, AllowDebugging
Scene Count: 2
LocationPathName: /Users/admin/jenkins_node/workspace/Unity-Arcade/…/XCode
New Report
Platform: iOS
PlatformGroup: iOS
Result: Failed
Total Warnings 0
Total errors 1
Exception: Build failed: 1