Error building Player: Win32Exception: ApplicationName='java.exe',

I bought an Android license. I can not make a build.
I am getting this error.

Error building Player: Win32Exception: ApplicationName='java.exe', CommandLine='"C:/Program Files (x86)/Android/android-sdk\tools" -classpath "C:/Program Files (x86)/Android/android-sdk\tools\lib\sdkmanager.jar" list targets', CurrentDirectory=''

I have installed Android SDK and set path to SDK in Unity.

I’m using the android trial but get the same error.
Any solution for this?

I set environment variable JAVA_HOME.

Still does not work.

After reinstalling java JDK and the Android SDK everything works now.


Had the same problem yesterday. I solved it by installing the 32bit of the JDK. First I only had installed the 64bit Version.
Maybe this will also help you.



Thx Danny, worked for me too !

I also had the same error. In this case, Just copy java.exe. file out of c:\windows\system32 and then paste into c:\windows\syswow64

It would help your problem :slight_smile:

Works like a charm, and I didn’t even need to restart :slight_smile: Thanks!

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yessss! Thank you so much finally worked!

Thank you very much guys and gals. You rule!

Thanks for the advice. It worked!

Thanks :smile:, installing x86 (32bit) solved error.

This definitely worked, thanks! :wink: Somebody should put these critical advice on the manual b/c I don’t know where I’d be without finding this answer on the the community boards

please help me with this problem!! when I buld an android project I have this problem: Exception: Error building Player: Win32Exception: ApplicationName=‘C:/Program Files (x86)/Android/android-sdktoolsapkbuilder.bat’, CommandLine=‘“C:UserssebaDocumentswaterfallHDTemp/StagingArea/Packageunaligned.apk” -v -z “C:UserssebaDocumentswaterfallHDTemp/StagingArea/assets.ap” -z “C:UserssebaDocumentswaterfallHDTemp/StagingArea/bin/resources.ap_” -nf “C:UserssebaDocumentswaterfallHDTemp/StagingArea/libs” -f “C:UserssebaDocumentswaterfallHDTemp/StagingArea/bin/classes.dex”’, CurrentDirectory=‘Temp/StagingArea’ UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow.BuildPlayerWithDefaultSettings (Boolean askForBuildLocation, BuildOptions forceOptions) (at C:/BuildAgent/work/842f9557127e852/Editor/Mono/BuildPlayerWindow.cs:367) UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow.GUIBuildButtons (Boolean enableBuildButton, Boolean enableBuildAndRunButton, Boolean canInstallInBuildFolder) (at C:/BuildAgent/work/842f9557127e852/Editor/Mono/BuildPlayerWindow.cs:972) UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow.ShowBuildTargetSettings () (at C:/BuildAgent/work/842f9557127e852/Editor/Mono/BuildPlayerWindow.cs:953) UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow.OnGUI () (at C:/BuildAgent/work/842f9557127e852/Editor/Mono/BuildPlayerWindow.cs:726) System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[ ] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[ ] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[ ] parameters) UnityEditor.HostView.Invoke (System.String methodName, System.Object obj) (at C:/BuildAgent/work/842f9557127e852/Editor/Mono/GUI/DockArea.cs:225) UnityEditor.HostView.Invoke (System.String methodName) (at C:/BuildAgent/work/842f9557127e852/Editor/Mono/GUI/DockArea.cs:218) UnityEditor.HostView.OnGUI () (at C:/BuildAgent/work/842f9557127e852/Editor/Mono/GUI/DockArea.cs:119)…
please help!!!

Seems like you have updated your Android SDK to r22. r22 has some thing which are not compatible with Unity. I had the same bug. Revert back to r21 will solve your issue.

I’m getting the same error on my Mac, I’ve tried reinstalling JDK, JRE, Unity and Android SDK, also downgraded to rev-21 of sdk tools.
The full error:

Can anyone think of why this is happening?


I solved guys, just to downgrade the SDK for Android … do not install this update android sdk tools rev.22 … reinstall rev 21 and it will work fine…but now I have another problem … I have installed on my pc unity 3.4.2f2, android sdk, java jdk and eclipse.
in unity I have no problem, I build the project, the export as live wallpaper in eclipse.
when I import the project into eclipse, I have no errors, no red exclamation mark, it all seems ok, but when I install the live wallpaper on my Nexus 4 or samsung s3, try to open it but I get this error "the application is locked in an unusual way "… please let help me … probably my version of eclipse is wrong, I did not install some plugins … please let tell me what version of eclipse you are using … thank you very much and sorry for my english. …

can you share link for r21 for mac

IT WORKS!!! Thanks a lot