Error: "Can not play a disabled audio source"


I recently updated to Unity 3.5.0b6 and now I have a problem with the enabling / disabling of audio sources.

If I click on a audio source prefab, the check box in the left top corner of the inspector is disabled: it is grayed out. This means that I can not enable / disable any audio source manually. By default, the audio source is disabled.

When I run the game, the audio is mute and the console says “Can not play a disabled audio source”.

Does anybody knows why this is happening? I did not have this issue with previous version of Unity.

Note that I am working with the Android basic license. The problem arises also when building in PC mode.


and in untiy 3.5: if the sound is a 2d sound , you can play with a prefab sound ,if the sound is a 3d sound ,you must instatise it

I solved by inserting the audio source into the scene where it was played.

In the previous versions of Unity, this was not necessary; it was enough if the audio source was in a prefab.,I solved the issue by inserting the audio source into the scene.

In previous versions of Unity this was not required, it was enough to have the audio source in a prefab.

I’m also getting this issue. I have an item pick-up system that plays a sound when an item is picked up. It get spammed with these errors and sometimes the audio clip doesn’t play correctly/finish playing. I have a prefab for the pick-up item that has the audio clip attached to it in addition to the field of the script where I designate the audio clip.

How do I “instantiate” the audio clip to fix this issue?