error code cs0246

hi there im currently trying to program my game to take xml files that i have writen but i keep getting error like this no matter wat i do(Assets/enemy1.cs(10,17): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `Texturedata’ could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
here is my enemy1.cs code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;

public class TextureManager : MonoBehaviour
public Texture2D textureFile;

public TextAsset AtlasFile;

private Texturedata[] atlas; 

public static TextureManager Instance { get { return instance; } }

private static TextureManager instance = null;

void Awake()
	if (instance != null && instance != this)
		instance = this;
	string textData = atlasFile.text;
	ParseXML( textData );

//load the xml file and parse it.
private void ParseXML(string xmlData) 
	XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
	xmlDoc.Load( new StringReader(xmlData) );
	string xmlPathPattern = "//atlas/image";
	XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes(xmlPathPattern );
	atlas = new TextureData[nodeList.Count];
	int counter = 0;
	foreach(XmlNode node in nodeList)
		atlas[counter] = ParseNode(node);

//get the data from each image node.
private TextureData ParseNode(XmlNode node)
	//grab the nodes
	XmlNode nameNode = node.FirstChild;
	XmlNode xNode = nameNode.NextSibling;
	XmlNode yNode = xNode.NextSibling;
	XmlNode widthNode = yNode.NextSibling;
	XmlNode heightNode = widthNode.NextSibling;
	//create the data struct
	TextureData data; = nameNode.InnerXml;
	data.x = int.Parse(xNode.InnerXml);
	data.y = int.Parse(yNode.InnerXml);
	data.width = int.Parse(widthNode.InnerXml);
	data.height = int.Parse(heightNode.InnerXml);
	//now scale the struct to uv normals (i.e. a 0 to 1 range)
	data.x /= textureFile.width;
	data.y /= textureFile.height;
	data.width /= textureFile.width;
	data.height /= textureFile.height;
	return data;

//find the data they want from our atlas.
public TextureData GetTexture(string name)
	//Search for the texture data he wants
	foreach(TextureData data in atlas)
		if( == name)
			return data;
	//otherwise texture not found, so return an empty one.
	return new TextureData();


and this is my “atlasfile.Xml” code for it:








please help me its part of my school project

Maybe TextureData ? Capital D

private TextureData[] atlas;