Error CS0023: The '!' operator cannot be applied to operand of type 'void'


Here is part of my script:

void Update () 
		if (!GoRight () || !GoLeft()) 
			CharacterMover.Instance.LeftRight = 0;

	public void GoRight ()
		CharacterMover.Instance.LeftRight = 1;
	public void GoLeft ()
		CharacterMover.Instance.LeftRight = -1;

My error is at line 3 inside the IF statement.
The two methods “GoLeft” and “GoRight” are connected to a button via OnPointerDown on the Eventsystem. All I want is whenever none of those two functions are being called, the LeftRight float from another script goes to 0.
Any ideas on how to fix this error?
Thank you

void means they do not return something if you were to do ! it would need to return true like:

 void Update () 
             if (!GoRight () || !GoLeft()) 
                 CharacterMover.Instance.LeftRight = 0;
         public bool GoRight ()
             CharacterMover.Instance.LeftRight = 1;
             return true;
         public bool GoLeft ()
             CharacterMover.Instance.LeftRight = -1;
             return true;

These will both always return true so you might want an if statement deciding weather or not they should return true or false