Error:CS0117 How can do I code booleans with appilicationLoadLevel C#

My player needs to have an certain amount of point . If he or she want to advance to the next level . I want the ApplicationLevel to load up when player reaches the points. Here is what I got so far :

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class ScoreManager : MonoBehaviour {
public static int Points;
Text text;
public static bool canContinue = false ;

void Awake () 
	text = GetComponent <Text>();
	Points = 0;

void Update () 

	text.text = "Points:" + Points;

if (Points < 40)
	canContinue = false;

else if (Points < 60)
	canContinue = true;



First of all, I think with this system you don’t even need to have this boolean, unless you use it for something else in your project…
Then, I think the Method is called Application.LoadLevel(…), but these old level loading methods are deprecated to my knowledge, so you should take a look at the new UnityEngine.SceneManagement Package (Unity - Scripting API: SceneManager)

if (Points >= 40) //if the points are greater than or equal to 40, load level