this script gets the player to enter/exit the car. when i’m controlling the player i want the car to stop. how do i do this?
the car scripts are called Car.js and CarController.cs
the line CarController.Update.enable = false; i called the CarController script to disable the function update.
what is going wrong?
private var wheelRadius : float = 0.4;
var suspensionRange : float = 0.1;
var suspensionDamper : float = 50;
var suspensionSpringFront : float = 18500;
var suspensionSpringRear : float = 9000;
public var brakeLights : Material;
var dragMultiplier : Vector3 = new Vector3(2, 5, 1);
var throttle : float = 0;
private var steer : float = 0;
private var handbrake : boolean = false;
var centerOfMass : Transform;
var frontWheels : Transform[];
var rearWheels : Transform[];
private var wheels : Wheel[];
wheels = new Wheel[frontWheels.Length + rearWheels.Length];
private var wfc : WheelFrictionCurve;
var topSpeed : float = 160;
var numberOfGears : int = 5;
var maximumTurn : int = 15;
var minimumTurn : int = 10;
var resetTime : float = 5.0;
private var resetTimer : float = 0.0;
private var engineForceValues : float[];
private var gearSpeeds : float[];
private var currentGear : int;
private var currentEnginePower : float = 0.0;
private var handbrakeXDragFactor : float = 0.5;
private var initialDragMultiplierX : float = 10.0;
private var handbrakeTime : float = 0.0;
private var handbrakeTimer : float = 1.0;
private var skidmarks : Skidmarks = null;
private var skidSmoke : ParticleEmitter = null;
var skidmarkTime : float[];
private var sound : SoundController = null;
sound = transform.GetComponent(SoundController);
private var canSteer : boolean;
private var canDrive : boolean;
class Wheel
var collider : WheelCollider;
var wheelGraphic : Transform;
var tireGraphic : Transform;
var driveWheel : boolean = false;
var steerWheel : boolean = false;
var lastSkidmark : int = -1;
var lastEmitPosition : Vector3 =;
var lastEmitTime : float = Time.time;
var wheelVelo : Vector3 =;
var groundSpeed : Vector3 =;
function Start()
// Measuring 1 - 60
accelerationTimer = Time.time;
topSpeed = Convert_Miles_Per_Hour_To_Meters_Per_Second(topSpeed);
initialDragMultiplierX = dragMultiplier.x;
function Update()
var relativeVelocity : Vector3 = transform.InverseTransformDirection(rigidbody.velocity);
function FixedUpdate()
// The rigidbody velocity is always given in world space, but in order to work in local space of the car model we need to transform it first.
var relativeVelocity : Vector3 = transform.InverseTransformDirection(rigidbody.velocity);
ApplyThrottle(canDrive, relativeVelocity);
ApplySteering(canSteer, relativeVelocity);
/* Functions called from Start() */
function SetupWheelColliders()
var wheelCount : int = 0;
for (var t : Transform in frontWheels)
wheels[wheelCount] = SetupWheel(t, true);
for (var t : Transform in rearWheels)
wheels[wheelCount] = SetupWheel(t, false);
function SetupWheelFrictionCurve()
wfc = new WheelFrictionCurve();
wfc.extremumSlip = 1;
wfc.extremumValue = 50;
wfc.asymptoteSlip = 2;
wfc.asymptoteValue = 25;
wfc.stiffness = 1;
function SetupWheel(wheelTransform : Transform, isFrontWheel : boolean)
var go : GameObject = new GameObject( + " Collider");
go.transform.position = wheelTransform.position;
go.transform.parent = transform;
go.transform.rotation = wheelTransform.rotation;
var wc : WheelCollider = go.AddComponent(typeof(WheelCollider)) as WheelCollider;
wc.suspensionDistance = suspensionRange;
var js : JointSpring = wc.suspensionSpring;
if (isFrontWheel)
js.spring = suspensionSpringFront;
js.spring = suspensionSpringRear;
js.damper = suspensionDamper;
wc.suspensionSpring = js;
wheel = new Wheel();
wheel.collider = wc;
wc.sidewaysFriction = wfc;
wheel.wheelGraphic = wheelTransform;
wheel.tireGraphic = wheelTransform.GetComponentsInChildren(Transform)[1];
wheelRadius = wheel.tireGraphic.renderer.bounds.size.y / 2;
wheel.collider.radius = wheelRadius;
if (isFrontWheel)
wheel.steerWheel = true;
go = new GameObject( + " Steer Column");
go.transform.position = wheelTransform.position;
go.transform.rotation = wheelTransform.rotation;
go.transform.parent = transform;
wheelTransform.parent = go.transform;
wheel.driveWheel = true;
return wheel;
function SetupCenterOfMass()
if(centerOfMass != null)
rigidbody.centerOfMass = centerOfMass.localPosition;
function SetupGears()
engineForceValues = new float[numberOfGears];
gearSpeeds = new float[numberOfGears];
var tempTopSpeed : float = topSpeed;
for(var i = 0; i < numberOfGears; i++)
if(i > 0)
gearSpeeds[i] = tempTopSpeed / 4 + gearSpeeds[i-1];
gearSpeeds[i] = tempTopSpeed / 4;
tempTopSpeed -= tempTopSpeed / 4;
var engineFactor : float = topSpeed / gearSpeeds[gearSpeeds.Length - 1];
for(i = 0; i < numberOfGears; i++)
var maxLinearDrag : float = gearSpeeds[i] * gearSpeeds[i];// * dragMultiplier.z;
engineForceValues[i] = maxLinearDrag * engineFactor;
function SetUpSkidmarks()
skidmarks = FindObjectOfType(Skidmarks);
skidSmoke = skidmarks.GetComponentInChildren(ParticleEmitter);
Debug.Log("No skidmarks object found. Skidmarks will not be drawn");
skidmarkTime = new float[4];
for (var f : float in skidmarkTime)
f = 0.0;
/* Functions called from Update() */
function GetInput()
throttle = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
steer = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
if(throttle < 0.0)
brakeLights.SetFloat("_Intensity", Mathf.Abs(throttle));
brakeLights.SetFloat("_Intensity", 0.0);
function CheckHandbrake()
handbrake = true;
handbrakeTime = Time.time;
dragMultiplier.x = initialDragMultiplierX * handbrakeXDragFactor;
else if(handbrake)
handbrake = false;
StartCoroutine(StopHandbraking(Mathf.Min(5, Time.time - handbrakeTime)));
function StopHandbraking(seconds : float)
var diff : float = initialDragMultiplierX - dragMultiplier.x;
handbrakeTimer = 1;
// Get the x value of the dragMultiplier back to its initial value in the specified time.
while(dragMultiplier.x < initialDragMultiplierX !handbrake)
dragMultiplier.x += diff * (Time.deltaTime / seconds);
handbrakeTimer -= Time.deltaTime / seconds;
dragMultiplier.x = initialDragMultiplierX;
handbrakeTimer = 0;
function Check_If_Car_Is_Flipped()
if(transform.localEulerAngles.z > 80 transform.localEulerAngles.z < 280)
resetTimer += Time.deltaTime;
resetTimer = 0;
if(resetTimer > resetTime)
function FlipCar()
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(transform.forward);
transform.position += Vector3.up * 0.5;
rigidbody.velocity =;
rigidbody.angularVelocity =;
resetTimer = 0;
currentEnginePower = 0;
var wheelCount : float;
function UpdateWheelGraphics(relativeVelocity : Vector3)
wheelCount = -1;
for(var w : Wheel in wheels)
var wheel : WheelCollider = w.collider;
var wh : WheelHit = new WheelHit();
// First we get the velocity at the point where the wheel meets the ground, if the wheel is touching the ground
w.wheelGraphic.localPosition = wheel.transform.up * (wheelRadius + wheel.transform.InverseTransformPoint(wh.point).y);
w.wheelVelo = rigidbody.GetPointVelocity(wh.point);
w.groundSpeed = w.wheelGraphic.InverseTransformDirection(w.wheelVelo);
// Code to handle skidmark drawing. Not covered in the tutorial
if(skidmarkTime[wheelCount] < 0.02 w.lastSkidmark != -1)
skidmarkTime[wheelCount] += Time.deltaTime;
var dt : float = skidmarkTime[wheelCount] == 0.0 ? Time.deltaTime : skidmarkTime[wheelCount];
skidmarkTime[wheelCount] = 0.0;
var handbrakeSkidding : float = handbrake w.driveWheel ? w.wheelVelo.magnitude * 0.3 : 0;
var skidGroundSpeed = Mathf.Abs(w.groundSpeed.x) - 15;
if(skidGroundSpeed > 0 || handbrakeSkidding > 0)
var staticVel : Vector3 = transform.TransformDirection(skidSmoke.localVelocity) + skidSmoke.worldVelocity;
if(w.lastSkidmark != -1)
var emission : float = UnityEngine.Random.Range(skidSmoke.minEmission, skidSmoke.maxEmission);
var lastParticleCount : float = w.lastEmitTime * emission;
var currentParticleCount : float = Time.time * emission;
var noOfParticles : int = Mathf.CeilToInt(currentParticleCount) - Mathf.CeilToInt(lastParticleCount);
var lastParticle : int = Mathf.CeilToInt(lastParticleCount);
for(var i = 0; i <= noOfParticles; i++)
var particleTime : float = Mathf.InverseLerp(lastParticleCount, currentParticleCount, lastParticle + i);
skidSmoke.Emit( Vector3.Lerp(w.lastEmitPosition, wh.point, particleTime) + new Vector3(Random.Range(-0.1, 0.1), Random.Range(-0.1, 0.1), Random.Range(-0.1, 0.1)), staticVel + (w.wheelVelo * 0.05), Random.Range(skidSmoke.minSize, skidSmoke.maxSize) * Mathf.Clamp(skidGroundSpeed * 0.1,0.5,1), Random.Range(skidSmoke.minEnergy, skidSmoke.maxEnergy), Color.white);
skidSmoke.Emit( wh.point + new Vector3(Random.Range(-0.1, 0.1), Random.Range(-0.1, 0.1), Random.Range(-0.1, 0.1)), staticVel + (w.wheelVelo * 0.05), Random.Range(skidSmoke.minSize, skidSmoke.maxSize) * Mathf.Clamp(skidGroundSpeed * 0.1,0.5,1), Random.Range(skidSmoke.minEnergy, skidSmoke.maxEnergy), Color.white);
w.lastEmitPosition = wh.point;
w.lastEmitTime = Time.time;
w.lastSkidmark = skidmarks.AddSkidMark(wh.point + rigidbody.velocity * dt, wh.normal, (skidGroundSpeed * 0.1 + handbrakeSkidding) * Mathf.Clamp01(wh.force / wheel.suspensionSpring.spring), w.lastSkidmark);
sound.Skid(true, Mathf.Clamp01(skidGroundSpeed * 0.1));
w.lastSkidmark = -1;
sound.Skid(false, 0);
// If the wheel is not touching the ground we set the position of the wheel graphics to
// the wheel's transform position + the range of the suspension.
w.wheelGraphic.position = wheel.transform.position + (-wheel.transform.up * suspensionRange);
w.wheelVelo *= 0.9;
w.wheelVelo *= 0.9 * (1 - throttle);
w.lastSkidmark = -1;
sound.Skid(false, 0);
// If the wheel is a steer wheel we apply two rotations:
// *Rotation around the Steer Column (visualizes the steer direction)
// *Rotation that visualizes the speed
var ea : Vector3 = w.wheelGraphic.parent.localEulerAngles;
ea.y = steer * maximumTurn;
w.wheelGraphic.parent.localEulerAngles = ea;
w.tireGraphic.Rotate(Vector3.right * (w.groundSpeed.z / wheelRadius) * Time.deltaTime * Mathf.Rad2Deg);
else if(!handbrake w.driveWheel)
// If the wheel is a drive wheel it only gets the rotation that visualizes speed.
// If we are hand braking we don't rotate it.
w.tireGraphic.Rotate(Vector3.right * (w.groundSpeed.z / wheelRadius) * Time.deltaTime * Mathf.Rad2Deg);
function UpdateGear(relativeVelocity : Vector3)
currentGear = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < numberOfGears - 1; i++)
if(relativeVelocity.z > gearSpeeds[i])
currentGear = i + 1;
/* Functions called from FixedUpdate() */
function UpdateDrag(relativeVelocity : Vector3)
var relativeDrag : Vector3 = new Vector3( -relativeVelocity.x * Mathf.Abs(relativeVelocity.x),
-relativeVelocity.y * Mathf.Abs(relativeVelocity.y),
-relativeVelocity.z * Mathf.Abs(relativeVelocity.z) );
var drag = Vector3.Scale(dragMultiplier, relativeDrag);
if(initialDragMultiplierX > dragMultiplier.x) // Handbrake code
drag.x /= (relativeVelocity.magnitude / (topSpeed / ( 1 + 2 * handbrakeXDragFactor ) ) );
drag.z *= (1 + Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(rigidbody.velocity.normalized, transform.forward)));
drag += rigidbody.velocity * Mathf.Clamp01(rigidbody.velocity.magnitude / topSpeed);
else // No handbrake
drag.x *= topSpeed / relativeVelocity.magnitude;
if(Mathf.Abs(relativeVelocity.x) < 5 !handbrake)
drag.x = -relativeVelocity.x * dragMultiplier.x;
rigidbody.AddForce(transform.TransformDirection(drag) * rigidbody.mass * Time.deltaTime);
function UpdateFriction(relativeVelocity : Vector3)
var sqrVel : float = relativeVelocity.x * relativeVelocity.x;
// Add extra sideways friction based on the car's turning velocity to avoid slipping
wfc.extremumValue = Mathf.Clamp(300 - sqrVel, 0, 300);
wfc.asymptoteValue = Mathf.Clamp(150 - (sqrVel / 2), 0, 150);
for(var w : Wheel in wheels)
w.collider.sidewaysFriction = wfc;
w.collider.forwardFriction = wfc;
function CalculateEnginePower(relativeVelocity : Vector3)
if(throttle == 0)
currentEnginePower -= Time.deltaTime * 200;
else if( HaveTheSameSign(relativeVelocity.z, throttle) )
normPower = (currentEnginePower / engineForceValues[engineForceValues.Length - 1]) * 2;
currentEnginePower += Time.deltaTime * 200 * EvaluateNormPower(normPower);
currentEnginePower -= Time.deltaTime * 300;
if(currentGear == 0)
currentEnginePower = Mathf.Clamp(currentEnginePower, 0, engineForceValues[0]);
currentEnginePower = Mathf.Clamp(currentEnginePower, engineForceValues[currentGear - 1], engineForceValues[currentGear]);
function CalculateState()
canDrive = false;
canSteer = false;
for(var w : Wheel in wheels)
canSteer = true;
canDrive = true;
function ApplyThrottle(canDrive : boolean, relativeVelocity : Vector3)
var throttleForce : float = 0;
var brakeForce : float = 0;
if (HaveTheSameSign(relativeVelocity.z, throttle))
if (!handbrake)
throttleForce = Mathf.Sign(throttle) * currentEnginePower * rigidbody.mass;
brakeForce = Mathf.Sign(throttle) * engineForceValues[0] * rigidbody.mass;
rigidbody.AddForce(transform.forward * Time.deltaTime * (throttleForce + brakeForce));
function ApplySteering(canSteer : boolean, relativeVelocity : Vector3)
var turnRadius : float = 3.0 / Mathf.Sin((90 - (steer * 30)) * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
var minMaxTurn : float = EvaluateSpeedToTurn(rigidbody.velocity.magnitude);
var turnSpeed : float = Mathf.Clamp(relativeVelocity.z / turnRadius, -minMaxTurn / 10, minMaxTurn / 10);
transform.RotateAround( transform.position + transform.right * turnRadius * steer,
turnSpeed * Mathf.Rad2Deg * Time.deltaTime * steer);
var debugStartPoint = transform.position + transform.right * turnRadius * steer;
var debugEndPoint = debugStartPoint + Vector3.up * 5;
Debug.DrawLine(debugStartPoint, debugEndPoint,;
if(initialDragMultiplierX > dragMultiplier.x) // Handbrake
var rotationDirection : float = Mathf.Sign(steer); // rotationDirection is -1 or 1 by default, depending on steering
if(steer == 0)
if(rigidbody.angularVelocity.y < 1) // If we are not steering and we are handbraking and not rotating fast, we apply a random rotationDirection
rotationDirection = Random.Range(-1.0, 1.0);
rotationDirection = rigidbody.angularVelocity.y; // If we are rotating fast we are applying that rotation to the car
// -- Finally we apply this rotation around a point between the cars front wheels.
transform.RotateAround( transform.TransformPoint( ( frontWheels[0].localPosition + frontWheels[1].localPosition) * 0.5),
rigidbody.velocity.magnitude * Mathf.Clamp01(1 - rigidbody.velocity.magnitude / topSpeed) * rotationDirection * Time.deltaTime * 2);
/* Utility Functions */
function Convert_Miles_Per_Hour_To_Meters_Per_Second(value : float) : float
return value * 0.44704;
function Convert_Meters_Per_Second_To_Miles_Per_Hour(value : float) : float
return value * 2.23693629;
function HaveTheSameSign(first : float, second : float) : boolean
if (Mathf.Sign(first) == Mathf.Sign(second))
return true;
return false;
function EvaluateSpeedToTurn(speed : float)
if(speed > topSpeed / 2)
return minimumTurn;
var speedIndex : float = 1 - (speed / (topSpeed / 2));
return minimumTurn + speedIndex * (maximumTurn - minimumTurn);
function EvaluateNormPower(normPower : float)
if(normPower < 1)
return 10 - normPower * 9;
return 1.9 - normPower * 0.9;
function GetGearState()
var relativeVelocity : Vector3 = transform.InverseTransformDirection(rigidbody.velocity);
var lowLimit : float = (currentGear == 0 ? 0 : gearSpeeds[currentGear-1]);
return (relativeVelocity.z - lowLimit) / (gearSpeeds[currentGear - lowLimit]) * (1 - currentGear * 0.1) + currentGear * 0.1;
this is the CarController.cs:
// current input state
float brake;
float throttle;
float throttleInput;
float steering;
float lastShiftTime = -1;
float handbrake;
// cached Drivetrain reference
Drivetrain drivetrain;
// How long the car takes to shift gears
public float shiftSpeed = 0.8f;
// These values determine how fast throttle value is changed when the accelerate keys are pressed or released.
// Getting these right is important to make the car controllable, as keyboard input does not allow analogue input.
// There are different values for when the wheels have full traction and when there are spinning, to implement
// traction control schemes.
// How long it takes to fully engage the throttle
public float throttleTime = 1.0f;
// How long it takes to fully engage the throttle
// when the wheels are spinning (and traction control is disabled)
public float throttleTimeTraction = 10.0f;
// How long it takes to fully release the throttle
public float throttleReleaseTime = 0.5f;
// How long it takes to fully release the throttle
// when the wheels are spinning.
public float throttleReleaseTimeTraction = 0.1f;
// Turn traction control on or off
public bool tractionControl = true;
// These values determine how fast steering value is changed when the steering keys are pressed or released.
// Getting these right is important to make the car controllable, as keyboard input does not allow analogue input.
// How long it takes to fully turn the steering wheel from center to full lock
public float steerTime = 1.2f;
// This is added to steerTime per m/s of velocity, so steering is slower when the car is moving faster.
public float veloSteerTime = 0.1f;
// How long it takes to fully turn the steering wheel from full lock to center
public float steerReleaseTime = 0.6f;
// This is added to steerReleaseTime per m/s of velocity, so steering is slower when the car is moving faster.
public float veloSteerReleaseTime = 0f;
// When detecting a situation where the player tries to counter steer to correct an oversteer situation,
// steering speed will be multiplied by the difference between optimal and current steering times this
// factor, to make the correction easier.
public float steerCorrectionFactor = 4.0f;
// Used by SoundController to get average slip velo of all wheels for skid sounds.
public float slipVelo {
get {
float val = 0.0f;
foreach(Wheel w in wheels)
val += w.slipVelo / wheels.Length;
return val;
// Initialize
void Start ()
if (centerOfMass != null)
rigidbody.centerOfMass = centerOfMass.localPosition;
rigidbody.inertiaTensor *= inertiaFactor;
drivetrain = GetComponent (typeof (Drivetrain)) as Drivetrain;
void Update ()
// Steering
Vector3 carDir = transform.forward;
float fVelo = rigidbody.velocity.magnitude;
Vector3 veloDir = rigidbody.velocity * (1/fVelo);
float angle = -Mathf.Asin(Mathf.Clamp( Vector3.Cross(veloDir, carDir).y, -1, 1));
float optimalSteering = angle / (wheels[0].maxSteeringAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
if (fVelo < 1)
optimalSteering = 0;
float steerInput = 0;
if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.LeftArrow))
steerInput = -1;
if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.RightArrow))
steerInput = 1;
if (steerInput < steering)
float steerSpeed = (steering>0)?(1/(steerReleaseTime+veloSteerReleaseTime*fVelo)) :(1/(steerTime+veloSteerTime*fVelo));
if (steering > optimalSteering)
steerSpeed *= 1 + (steering-optimalSteering) * steerCorrectionFactor;
steering -= steerSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
if (steerInput > steering)
steering = steerInput;
else if (steerInput > steering)
float steerSpeed = (steering<0)?(1/(steerReleaseTime+veloSteerReleaseTime*fVelo)) :(1/(steerTime+veloSteerTime*fVelo));
if (steering < optimalSteering)
steerSpeed *= 1 + (optimalSteering-steering) * steerCorrectionFactor;
steering += steerSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
if (steerInput < steering)
steering = steerInput;
// Throttle/Brake
bool accelKey = Input.GetKey (KeyCode.UpArrow);
bool brakeKey = Input.GetKey (KeyCode.DownArrow);
if (drivetrain.automatic drivetrain.gear == 0)
accelKey = Input.GetKey (KeyCode.DownArrow);
brakeKey = Input.GetKey (KeyCode.UpArrow);
if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.LeftShift))
throttle += Time.deltaTime / throttleTime;
throttleInput += Time.deltaTime / throttleTime;
else if (accelKey)
if (drivetrain.slipRatio < 0.10f)
throttle += Time.deltaTime / throttleTime;
else if (!tractionControl)
throttle += Time.deltaTime / throttleTimeTraction;
throttle -= Time.deltaTime / throttleReleaseTime;
if (throttleInput < 0)
throttleInput = 0;
throttleInput += Time.deltaTime / throttleTime;
brake = 0;
if (drivetrain.slipRatio < 0.2f)
throttle -= Time.deltaTime / throttleReleaseTime;
throttle -= Time.deltaTime / throttleReleaseTimeTraction;
throttle = Mathf.Clamp01 (throttle);
if (brakeKey)
if (drivetrain.slipRatio < 0.2f)
brake += Time.deltaTime / throttleTime;
brake += Time.deltaTime / throttleTimeTraction;
throttle = 0;
throttleInput -= Time.deltaTime / throttleTime;
if (drivetrain.slipRatio < 0.2f)
brake -= Time.deltaTime / throttleReleaseTime;
brake -= Time.deltaTime / throttleReleaseTimeTraction;
brake = Mathf.Clamp01 (brake);
throttleInput = Mathf.Clamp (throttleInput, -1, 1);
// Handbrake
handbrake = Mathf.Clamp01 ( handbrake + (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.Space)? Time.deltaTime: -Time.deltaTime) );
// Gear shifting
float shiftThrottleFactor = Mathf.Clamp01((Time.time - lastShiftTime)/shiftSpeed);
drivetrain.throttle = throttle * shiftThrottleFactor;
drivetrain.throttleInput = throttleInput;
lastShiftTime = Time.time;
drivetrain.ShiftUp ();
lastShiftTime = Time.time;
drivetrain.ShiftDown ();
// Apply inputs
foreach(Wheel w in wheels)
w.brake = brake;
w.handbrake = handbrake;
w.steering = steering;
// Debug GUI. Disable when not needed.
void OnGUI ()
GUI.Label (new Rect(0,60,100,200),"km/h: "+rigidbody.velocity.magnitude * 3.6f);
tractionControl = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(0,80,300,20), tractionControl, "Traction Control (bypassed by shift key)");
this is the script i am trying to edit so the car will not move, while the player controls the character:
public class ChangeCameraMoreSimple : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject carCamera;
public GameObject playerCamera;
public GameObject Car;
public GameObject Player;
public GameObject SpawnPoint;
public CarController other;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E))
{ = true; = false; = false; = true;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.R))
{ = true; = false; = true; = true;
Player.transform.position = SpawnPoint.transform.position + SpawnPoint.transform.right * 5;
CarController.Update.enable = false;