hi i have some error with my scripte . anyone can help me please
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
namespace DigitalOpus.MB.Core
public class MBVersionConcrete : MBVersionInterface
private Vector2 _HALF_UV = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
public string version()
return "3.25.0";
public int GetMajorVersion()
string unityVersion = Application.unityVersion;
string[] array = unityVersion.Split('.');
return int.Parse(array[0]);
public int GetMinorVersion()
string unityVersion = Application.unityVersion;
string[] array = unityVersion.Split('.');
return int.Parse(array[1]);
public bool GetActive(GameObject go)
return go.activeInHierarchy;
public void SetActive(GameObject go, bool isActive)
public void SetActiveRecursively(GameObject go, bool isActive)
public UnityEngine.Object[] FindSceneObjectsOfType(Type t)
return UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(t);
public void OptimizeMesh(Mesh m)
public bool IsRunningAndMeshNotReadWriteable(Mesh m)
if (Application.isPlaying)
return !m.isReadable;
return false;
public Vector2[] GetMeshUV1s(Mesh m, MB2_LogLevel LOG_LEVEL)
if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
MB2_Log.LogDebug("UV1 does not exist in Unity 5+");
Vector2[] array = m.uv;
if (array.Length == 0)
if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug)
MB2_Log.LogDebug("Mesh " + m + " has no uv1s. Generating");
if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Mesh " + m + " didn't have uv1s. Generating uv1s.");
array = new Vector2[m.vertexCount];
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
array *= this._HALF_UV;*
return array;
public Vector2[] GetMeshUV3orUV4(Mesh m, bool get3, MB2_LogLevel LOG_LEVEL)
Vector2[] array = (!get3) ? m.uv4 : m.uv3;
if (array.Length == 0)
if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug)
MB2_Log.LogDebug(“Mesh " + m + " has no uv” + ((!get3) ? “4” : “3”) + “. Generating”);
array = new Vector2[m.vertexCount];
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
array = this._HALF_UV;
return array;
public void MeshClear(Mesh m, bool t)
public void MeshAssignUV3(Mesh m, Vector2[] uv3s)
m.uv3 = uv3s;
public void MeshAssignUV4(Mesh m, Vector2[] uv4s)
m.uv4 = uv4s;
public Vector4 GetLightmapTilingOffset(Renderer r)
return r.lightmapScaleOffset;
public Transform[] GetBones(Renderer r)
if (r is SkinnedMeshRenderer)
return ((SkinnedMeshRenderer)r).bones;
if (r is MeshRenderer)
return new Transform[1] {
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError(“Could not getBones. Object does not have a renderer”);
return null;
public int GetBlendShapeFrameCount(Mesh m, int shapeIndex)
return m.GetBlendShapeFrameCount(shapeIndex);
public float GetBlendShapeFrameWeight(Mesh m, int shapeIndex, int frameIndex)
return m.GetBlendShapeFrameWeight(shapeIndex, frameIndex);
public void GetBlendShapeFrameVertices(Mesh m, int shapeIndex, int frameIndex, Vector3[] vs, Vector3[] ns, Vector3[] ts)
m.GetBlendShapeFrameVertices(shapeIndex, frameIndex, vs, ns, ts);
public void ClearBlendShapes(Mesh m)
public void AddBlendShapeFrame(Mesh m, string nm, float wt, Vector3[] vs, Vector3[] ns, Vector3[] ts)
m.AddBlendShapeFrame(nm, wt, vs, ns, ts);
public int MaxMeshVertexCount()
return 2147483646;
public void SetMeshIndexFormatAndClearMesh(Mesh m, int numVerts, bool vertices, bool justClearTriangles)
if (vertices && numVerts > 65534 && m.indexFormat == IndexFormat.UInt16)
MBVersion.MeshClear(m, false);
m.indexFormat = IndexFormat.UInt32;
else if (vertices && numVerts <= 65534 && m.indexFormat == IndexFormat.UInt32)
MBVersion.MeshClear(m, false);
m.IndexFormat = IndexFormat.UInt16;
else if (justClearTriangles)
MBVersion.MeshClear(m, true);
MBVersion.MeshClear(m, false);