error CS1585: Member modifier 'private' must precede the member type and name"

in the line18 of the code (private void OnEnable()) we have error “error CS1585: Member modifier ‘private’ must precede the member type and name”, and Idon’t know what doing. Help me , guys!

using System;
using UnityEngine;

#pragma warning disable 618
namespace UnityStandardAssets.Utility
    public class SimpleActivatorMenu : MonoBehaviour
        // An incredibly simple menu which, when given references
        // to gameobjects in the scene
        public UI.Text camSwitchButton;
        public GameObject[] objects;

        private int m_CurrentActiveObject;

        private void OnEnable()
            // active object starts from first in array
            m_CurrentActiveObject = 0;
            camSwitchButton.text = objects[m_CurrentActiveObject].name;

        public void NextCamera()
            int nextactiveobject = m_CurrentActiveObject + 1 >= objects.Length ? 0 : m_CurrentActiveObject + 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++)
                objects[i].SetActive(i == nextactiveobject);

            m_CurrentActiveObject = nextactiveobject;
            camSwitchButton.text = objects[m_CurrentActiveObject].name;

??? Line 16.

Yeah, a thing to know about errors is they’re often noticed a line or two after the real problem. If you get an error on line 107, especially when it’s the first thing, check the line above. The most common way is forgetting the semicolon at the end of a line – the error is always the first thing on the next line.

In this case it saw UI.Text on line 16, with no semicolon. It’s not an error, yet. It goes to line 18 and sees, altogether “UI.Text private”. Well that’s an error for sure – private has to come first. So now it gives the error, on the “wrong” line.

I don’t know if the name of an object can be displayed as an UI text so I would also try to write .ToString() at the end because Unity only debugs to the first major error like an incorrect function not as with ints or strings that are missing