error CS1593: Delegate 'NativeUpdateCallback' does not take 3 arguments

Library\PackageCache\com.unity.inputsystem@0.1.2-preview\InputSystem\NativeInputRuntime.cs(107,25): error CS1593: Delegate ‘NativeUpdateCallback’ does not take 3 arguments

Lately i am getting this error, i cannot resolve, if importing the Input System.

Don’t know how to get it working now…

This is with Unity 2019.1, right?

A native change has landed before we managed to get a new package out. Temporarily reverting back to 2019.1 alpha should fix the problem. Alternatively, grab the latest develop branch from the GitHub repo.

The new package with a fix will be out any day now. Sorry about the hiccup.


Got it myself !
2019 issue, which will be fixed - okay.
Input System Update page-9#post-4166080

Thx for that instant response ! :wink:

same error on 2018.3.8f1. I’ll revert to 7f1.


Same problem here on 2018.3.8.

2018.3.7 didn’t work for us because we use a plugin that relied on reflection in the editor, and there were two scripting bugs in 2018.3.7 that broke it. They’re fixed in 2018.3.8, but now the Input System doesn’t compile.

Guess we should revert to 2018.3.6 and be careful we don’t get hit by any remote execution attacks? :wink:

Fix on its way to the Package manager when it lands it will be 0.2.1-preview. We apologize for this, its looks sloppy from a user standpoint. The reason this happened multiple times is how a package is separate from the unity engine code. Its rare that we have to make a native api change in the editor/engine that breaks the package. When we do, unity releases are usually 2-3 weeks apart, so we have to wait for the release, then patch it on the managed side in the package after the unity release. Causing a day or two of not being able to compile the package. This time, making thing s a little worse was the zero day security patch in Unity that the entire world was forced to upgrade.

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Fix landed 0.2.1-preview in package manager.


Just to let you know, the issue still exists in 2018.3.5f1 with 0.2.1-preview (package manager)

I am also letting you know that it still does not work with Unity 2018.3.11f1 with 0.2.1-preview(package manager)

I have this problem too… anyone knows an issue?
Ofc Its totally ok when I downgraded InputSystem to 0.1.2 Preview
unity ver. : 2018.3.7f
InputSystem ver. : 0.2.1 Preview

0.2.1 requires 2018.3.11. Ideally, the question of what specific patch release is required would be entirely taken care of by the package manager. Something for us to improve on.