Error CS1955 The member `GameController.bunnyJump' cannot be used as method or delegate

I’m fairly sure this will be a simple one, but why would I be getting the error: The member `GameController.bunnyJump’ cannot be used as method or delegate in the following code?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class GameController : MonoBehaviour {

    //variables for ground
    public int groundcount;
    public int groundlocation;
    private Vector2 groundposition;
    public GameObject groundObject;
    private Quaternion groundRotation;
    public GameObject rockObstacle;
    public GameObject trunkObstacle;
    public GameObject treeObstacle;
    private Vector2 obstacleposition;
    private int obstaclelocation;
    private int obstacleRandom;
    private int obstacleTypeRandom;
    public int bunnyPower;

    private float timeCurrent;
    private float timeAtButtonDown;
    private float timeAtButtonUp;
    private float timeButtonHeld;
    public bool bunnyJump;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {

        bunnyJump (false);

        //Set initial ground and set first obstacles
        groundcount = 0;

        groundposition = new Vector2 (groundlocation, -4);

        obstacleRandom = 0;

        while (groundcount <20)

            //Create the ground


        //create initial obstacles
        AddObstacle ();

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {

        timeCurrent = Time.fixedTime;
        //add ground if needed
        if (groundcount <= 20)
            GroundCountAdd ();

        //if obstacles need to be added, add them
        if (obstaclelocation < groundlocation)

        //power up jump
        if (Input.GetMouseButton (0)) {

            if (bunnyJump (false)) {
                bunnyJump (true);
                Debug.Log ("Pressed left click.");
        } else {
            if (bunnyJump(true))
                Debug.Log ("Released left click.");


    public void GroundCountAdd()

            Instantiate(groundObject, groundposition, groundRotation);
            groundcount = groundcount +1;
            groundlocation = groundlocation +2;
            groundposition = new Vector2 (groundlocation, -4);


    public void GroundCountSubtract()
        groundcount = groundcount - 1;

    public void AddObstacle()
        obstacleTypeRandom = (int)Random.Range (1, 101);

        if (obstacleTypeRandom <= 30) {
            //Add a rock
            obstacleposition = new Vector2 (obstaclelocation, -2);
            Instantiate (rockObstacle, obstacleposition, groundRotation);
            obstacleRandom = (int)Random.Range (2, 5);
            obstaclelocation = obstaclelocation + (obstacleRandom * 2);

        } else if (obstacleTypeRandom >= 31 && obstacleTypeRandom <= 60) {

            //Add a tree trunk
            obstacleposition = new Vector2 (obstaclelocation, -2.1f);
            Instantiate (trunkObstacle, obstacleposition, groundRotation);
            obstacleRandom = (int)Random.Range (3, 6);
            obstaclelocation = obstaclelocation + (obstacleRandom * 2);

        } else if (obstacleTypeRandom >= 61) {

            //Add a tree
            obstacleposition = new Vector2 (obstaclelocation, 1);
            Instantiate (treeObstacle, obstacleposition, groundRotation);
            obstacleRandom = (int)Random.Range (3, 6);
            obstaclelocation = obstaclelocation + (obstacleRandom * 2);


    public void OnMouseDown(){
        timeAtButtonDown = timeCurrent;
        Debug.Log ("Time button pressed" + timeAtButtonDown);
    public void OnMouseUp (){
        timeAtButtonUp = timeCurrent;
        Debug.Log ("Time button released" + timeAtButtonUp);
        timeButtonHeld = (timeAtButtonUp - timeAtButtonDown);
        Debug.Log ("TimeButtonHeld = " + timeButtonHeld);
    } */


Because you are using it as if it is a method or delegate, but it isn’t.

To assign it a value use

bunnyJump = value

To check equality use

bunnyJump == value

Just like you would with ints, floats, etc.

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