I know my mistake but how to fix it? I have parsing error. Code is:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
publicclass : BaseCharacterClass {
publicvoid Class(){
CharacterClassName =“Wizard”;
CharacterClassDescription =“Wizard is wise hero that can cast spells, but he is not so strong”;
Stamina =72;
Endurance =72;
Strength =60;
Intellect =80;
I know that is : but what to put on it’s place?
You can remove the colon unless you want that class to derive from BaseCharacterClass (what I assume you want to), so insert a name for that class which then derives from BaseCharacterClass.
The method “Class()” is not very descriptive, find an appropriate name for it.
Im sure you’ve got the field or properties defined somewhere, so that would work.
I recommend tutorials for C# basics, there are plenty on the internet and the Unity website.