I’m unable to build & run WebGL. Even the default empty project fails. Help is appreciated!
I run Windows 10 Pro
Fresh Unity 5.5.2f1 64 bit install
Create new project
File > Build & Run > WebGL. (I enable Development Build. Doesn’t make a difference)
Build completes without errors or warnings.
Chrome browser opens. (I also tried FireFox)
Game is a grey box for 2 seconds.
Browser pops up an error. Chrome log attached.
It seems to have to do with the path I’m building the game to.
Building to F:\g worked (my third hard drive), from my E:\Program Files\Unity install (Unity installed on second hard drive).
Building to C:\Users\Fejuto\Desktop\Game didn’t work. Not with Unity installed in the default location on C, and not for Unity installed on my second hard drive E:\Program Files\Unity.
I still don’t understand why some things work and other things don’t, but at least I’m unstuck now. Would be nice if Unity would give an error/warning if I was using unsupported paths.