Hi guys,
Though I managed solved the problem but I’m curious what is going on.
var tileName1 : String;
//var tileName1 : String;
function revealCardOne()
matchOne = hit.transform.gameObject;
tileName1 = matchOne.transform.parent.name;
if (matchOne == null)
print("No object found!");
tName1 = tileName1.Split("_"[0]);
It does sound stupid but when the 1st line of var tileName1 : String; is used
it gives me this error:
Assets/TileGenerator_Script.js(91,47): BCE0022: Cannot convert ‘String’ to ‘System.Type’.
Assets/TileGenerator_Script.js(99,36): BCE0019: ‘Split’ is not a member of ‘System.Type’.
But when I used the 2nd one, i retype again, it doesn’t give me any error at all. Is it a bug or am I miss out something?