Error in Build 2019.2.7f2 with Shader GUITextureClip

Hi! I cannot find nothing related with this error, I`m debugging because anytime I launch the game I see this in terminal and stuck in black screen:

: WARNING: Shader
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity   : Unsupported: 'Hidden/Internal-GUITextureClip' - Pass '' has no fragment shader
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity   : WARNING: Shader
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity   : Unsupported: 'Hidden/Internal-GUITextureClip' - Pass '' has no fragment shader
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity   : ERROR: Shader
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity   : Shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity   : WARNING: Shader
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity   : Unsupported: 'Hidden/Internal-GUITextureClip' - Setting to default shader.
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity   : WARNING: Shader
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity   : Unsupported: 'Hidden/Internal-GUIRoundedRect' - Pass '' has no vertex shader
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity   : WARNING: Shader
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity   : Unsupported: 'Hidden/Internal-GUIRoundedRect' - Pass '' has no fragment shader
10-03 20:02:34.402 20086 20204 D Unity   : OpenGL warning: Trying to bind too many vertex attributes (got 28 max is 15).
Trying to bind too many vertex attributes (got 28 max is 15).
Trying to bind too many vertex attributes (got 28 max is 15).
Trying to bind too many vertex attributes (got 28 max is 15).
Trying to bind too many vertex attributes (got 28 max is 15).

Any feedback are welcome.
Or move this thread if this is not the correct section.
should I delete this Shaders?

Doing build in Mac Os X Catalina, with Unity 2019.2.7f2.

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In another project
: Failed to find expected binary shader data in ‘Hidden/Internal-MotionVectors’.
10-03 21:26:37.774 5409 5432 W Unity :
10-03 21:26:37.774 5409 5432 W Unity : (Filename: ./Runtime/Shaders/SerializedShader.cpp Line: 595)

Does anybody has problem, when u try to download any version on Catalina with Unity Hub, installation always disappears after download progress bar reaches 100% ?

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No, but with what version? I have installed 2019.2.7 and 2019.2.8 without problems in Catalina OS

me too, i got the same issue

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same here - android is spewing the following in logcat

‘OpenGL warning: Trying to bind too many vertex attributes’

We tried the ‘hack’ of copying the Unity Shader Compiler from 2019.3 beta 7 over the 2019.2 version but it didn’t fix the issue

It did however fix the inspector errors that were appearing in the editor when you try to compile each shader

*Copying over the shader compiler and purging the cache fixed the issue for us…

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helped for me:

Try my answer: Android build Trying to bind too many vertex attributes

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That worked for me @Devster2020 , thank you! Unfortunately it introduces other issues (partially that the graphics in general just look different now) that make it undesirable.

Were any other solutions found? Currently it seems like we’ll not be able to use Mac to build for android in the future, which is a significant issue.