Hi! I cannot find nothing related with this error, I`m debugging because anytime I launch the game I see this in terminal and stuck in black screen:
: WARNING: Shader
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity : Unsupported: 'Hidden/Internal-GUITextureClip' - Pass '' has no fragment shader
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity : WARNING: Shader
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity : Unsupported: 'Hidden/Internal-GUITextureClip' - Pass '' has no fragment shader
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity : ERROR: Shader
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity : Shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity : WARNING: Shader
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity : Unsupported: 'Hidden/Internal-GUITextureClip' - Setting to default shader.
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity : WARNING: Shader
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity : Unsupported: 'Hidden/Internal-GUIRoundedRect' - Pass '' has no vertex shader
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity : WARNING: Shader
10-03 20:02:34.392 20086 20110 D Unity : Unsupported: 'Hidden/Internal-GUIRoundedRect' - Pass '' has no fragment shader
10-03 20:02:34.402 20086 20204 D Unity : OpenGL warning: Trying to bind too many vertex attributes (got 28 max is 15).
Trying to bind too many vertex attributes (got 28 max is 15).
Trying to bind too many vertex attributes (got 28 max is 15).
Trying to bind too many vertex attributes (got 28 max is 15).
Trying to bind too many vertex attributes (got 28 max is 15).
Any feedback are welcome.
Or move this thread if this is not the correct section.
should I delete this Shaders?
Doing build in Mac Os X Catalina, with Unity 2019.2.7f2.