Error in ref image. ...Editor/Data/Documentation/en/Manual/class-OcclusionArea.html

Occlusion Area
To apply occlusion culling to moving objects you have to create an Occlusion Area and then modify its size to fit the space where the moving objects will be located (of course the moving objects cannot be marked as static). You can create Occlusion Areas by adding the Occlusion Area component to an empty game object (Component → Rendering → Occlusion Area in the menus).

After creating the Occlusion Area, check the Is Target Volume checkbox to occlude moving objects.


As you can see the picture states “Is View Volume”.

Like one would actually see in the inspector


The docs correct the errant phrase thereafter.

Is View Volume: Defines where the camera can be.
Check this in order to occlude static objects that are inside this Occlusion Area.

Thanks for your consideration.

(VER: file:///P:/Program%20Files/Unity_5_2_1/Editor/Data/Documentation/en/Manual/class-OcclusionArea.html)

Thanks for spotting that. I’ve made a note, and it will be fixed soon.

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