Error ironSourceSDK API: No interstitial configurations found

So I’ve been trying to migrate to Unity LevelPlay as suggested by Unity, yesterday I got my account approved (it was pretty quick, took less than 2 days), I integrated the SDK, installed ironSource and Unity Ads adapters, implemented the code, but I can’t get anything to show up in the Android build, be it Test Mode on or off. For interstitial it shows this error:

 Error ironSourceSDK API: No interstitial configurations found

and for rewarded the RewardedVideoOnAdUnavailable() event fires up whenever I try to load it. I tried adding new placements and calling the placement id to show up, nothing. In UnityAds it would at least show up a test screen or a test ad to confirm everything is working, but here, nothing.

Here’s sample of my code, am I doing anything wrong? I doubt it

    if (wasInit) return;

            switch (Application.platform)
                case RuntimePlatform.Android:
                    Debug.Log("ironSource: Android");
                    ironSourceAppID = IRONSOURCE_APPID_ANDROID;
                case RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer:
                    Debug.Log("ironSource: iOS");
                    ironSourceAppID = IRONSOURCE_APPID_IOS;
            // IronSource.Agent.setManualLoadRewardedVideo(true);

            Debug.Log("ironSource ads init begin: " + IronSource.unityVersion());

            IronSource.Agent.init(ironSourceAppID, IronSourceAdUnits.REWARDED_VIDEO, IronSourceAdUnits.INTERSTITIAL);

also trying to load interstitial when sdk completes initialization

    void SdkInitializationCompletedEvent()
            Debug.Log("ironSource init complete");

            wasInit = true;
            // IronSource.Agent.loadRewardedVideo();

and to show the ad

          if (IronSource.Agent.isRewardedVideoAvailable())

                //  Advertisement.Show(GetPlacementId(PlacementType.Rewarded), this);
                // IronSource.Agent.loadRewardedVideo();

tried different options as you can see by the comments

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Hi @milox777
Since we can’t tell which appkey you’re using at a glance, if you utilize the known good default appkeys from the Mediation demo app: (GitHub - ironsource-mobile/Mediation-Demo-Apps: IronSource Mediation Demo Apps) are you able to get an ad to load and show in your own project?

If so, then it might be an account/appkey specific issue that needs to be resolved. You can open another support ticket to address this: knowledge center New 2022

Or shoot me a private message with the android appkey you’re using and I can just quickly check your account for any potential blockers (and open a support thread separately).

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Sent you a PM

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Hello Unity-Team,

I have also the same problem, how to solve it ? I sent a ticket to ironSource-Team.
But until now, I didn’t get a response.

Hi @bayon2007
Could you please give me your support ticket number so we can check it out?

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I dmed you my ticket number

Thanks, LevelPlay-Team, now it’s solved !

Hi can you share the resolution to this problem please? I’m getting the same error

Also, if I use the known-to-work appKey from the mediation demo mentioned above, everything works. It’s only when I use my own appKey that it doesn’t work.

By the way my IronSource account is an old one, at least 5 years old or more. It’s been dormant all this time, but now I have a game I want to release so I’m using the account again. Could it be related to that?

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Hi @newtquestgames
It definitely sounds like an account specific situation. When you first created your ironSource account, was it approved to serve ads back then?

Yes or no, please open up a support ticket and PM me the number so I can get a look at it.

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Hi, no I don’t recall the account ever being approved so maybe that’s it. I didn’t think I needed approval to serve test ads but it sounds like I’m wrong.

I’ll open a ticket when I get home later thanks

We have our second game publishing and encountering this on our second game. Test ads were working normally. But as we added other networks to the mediation and leave the testing mode, it stopped working. There is no approval submission option either. So, created a ticket too.

I’m also having the same issue… my account is approved but I can’t get test ads. When I try the I’m getting
[ironSource SDK] API: No rewarded video configurations found

@[unity_11DA186B7F6DEA0E306F]( Error ironSourceSDK API: No interstitial configurations found members/unity_11da186b7f6dea0e306f.12275211/) I DM’d you with the support ticket

The same problem for me. Can somebody help me? Ticket 00361075

Hi @Freak
I’ve adjusted some back end flags for delivery. Please complete your company and payment details too and you should be good to go.

I have also the same problem, how to solve it ?

Hi @TeamDODO_Aftab
Please open up a support ticket so we can track this:

Once you do, DM me your support ticket number and I can have a look


Hi @cnguyen_unitylevelplay ,
I am having the same error
" Error ironSourceSDK API: No banner configurations found"
my test ads were running before.
After I published my app and turned off test mode, the ads stopped showing. now even test ads on test devices are not showing.
my account was approved recently and I added company details and payment methods.
My ticket number is 00377332.

Same issue form my side, payment and tax details was provided and account seems to be approved.
Dropped a DM

Having the same issue. It works fine with another app key. Sent you a dm

For those wondering about the solution. I had the “Error ironSourceSDK API: No interstitial configurations found” error, couldnt fix it, then I tried appkey from my other app and it worked fine! So I contacted ironsource support and they fixed it.

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