Error ITMS-90535: Unexpected CFBundleExecutable Key - UnityAds.bundle

When trying to upload to the App Store (iOS) I get this error. Search around with little results, do you know what this is about? Should I remove the CFBundleExecutable from the plist or is that needed for UnityAds?

Unity 4.6.8p2
Xcode 7.0

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This CFBundleExecutable key has been in Unity Ads forever, so apparently Apple decided to enforce validation of this recently. We have fixed this in latest version on asset store, so please download this and try again.


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Thank you for the quick response! I’ve downloaded the latest and now everything went through without a hitch.

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I am also having this issue with the new Unity Ads, Xcode 7 and Unity 5.2.1.

Even before getting the upload error Xcode throws this warning:

warning: skipping file ‘/Users/Nickmad/Desktop/how_test_ios9_10/UnityAds/UnityAds.bundle’ (unexpected file type ‘wrapper.plug-in’ in Frameworks & Libraries build phase)

Does anybody know how to fix this or if a fix is coming???


I’m having the same issue but I’m using Fyber’s mediation adapter for UnityAds, is there a new version of that available. Or alternatively is there a quick fix I can just do in Xcode so I can submit?


In your project assets, search for UnityAds.Framework → UnityAds.bundle → info.plist

Remove the CFBundleExecutable Entry.

If you have Unity 5.2 installed. The UnityAds.Framework is in the Unity installation folder.
You can also find the UnityAds.Framework in the Frameworks folder of your XCode project.


I’m getting this error too - even though I’ve recently submitted builds of this project. I guess it’s something that Apple have changed?

Unfortunately my info.plist file in UnityAds.Framework → UnityAds.bundle doesn’t actually contain a CFBundleExecutable key when opened in XCode, so I have no idea what it’s complaining about or how to work around this issue!

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You can edit the plist file in a text editor

Further to my last post; there was a “BundleExecutable” entry which, when deleted, made my project work.

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Where did you find the “BundleExecutable” entry as I am having the same issue with Unity Ads and there isn’t a “CFBundleExecutable” to delete. All I see is a “CFBundleSupportedPlatforms”. I am using Unity 5.2.1f1 and Xcode 7.0.1

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I believe this issue has been fixed in 5.2.1f1, so you shouldn’t need to change anything. Are you still having problems.

I am also experiencing this issue, with 5.2.1f1. It happens after archiving the build, and trying to submit to app store

I have the same issue

Upgrade to Unity 5.2.2, upgrade Xcode to latest version and it will work. No other changes will be needed.

I’m getting this error in Unity 5.5 and Xcode 8.0.
So I just have to remove the key + the line below it, or is there another solution?