Error ITMS-90535 with Unity Ads in Unity 5.2.1f1

Hi all,

We are trying to submit our game to Apple and are running into an error 90535 when pushing the app through the ApplicationLoader.

The error us ‘Unexpected CFBundleExecutable Key’ in ‘UnityAds.bundle’.
We are using the built-in UnityAds service that comes with Unity 5.2.1f1.

The only other information I can find about this is another thread, fairly old.

I have looked at the info.plist as suggested in that other thread and even if I remove the executable identifier I am still getting this issue.

Anybody else seeing this? Any workaround suggestions?


Stephane Imbert

hi :), in your xcode after built :

  • search for info.plist in xcode project view
  • there a second info.plist under “Framewords/unityAds.Bundle” open it
  • delete the entry : CFBundleExecutable it’s has unityAds as a value

hope this helps, i think you deleted the entry of main project info.Plist

hope unity team will fix this issue soon

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I am unable to find the second info.plist Any other suggestions? I’m using Unity 5.2.1f and Xcode 7.0.1

i’am using the same, after you built your game. open xcode and search for info.plist of unity ads and delete the entry excutable

I’m having the same issue with Unity 5.2.1. In the info.plist there is only a “Executable File” entry (string). That one I can remove without problems right?

in your xcode :

  • search for info.plist under “Framewords/unityAds.Bundle” and open it
  • delete the entry : CFBundleExecutable it’s has unityAds as a value

There are two “info.plists” in the XCode Project.
Open the Info.plist which is under UnityAds Hierarchy. You will find the CFBundleExecutable it’s has unityAds as a value as Shown in the screenshot below:

Thanks. Worked for me :slight_smile:

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My info.plists doesn’t have the CFBundleExecutable but I deleted Executable file on the same info.plists and it did upload to the App Store without the Error ITMS-90535 this time. Hopefully it is gonna be approved on the app store without further issues.

I have done similar thing and it worked for me. Had you game accepted by apple?