Error launching application


When launching a project from Unity Hub, after having selected the Unity version, Unity displays the following error :

I have checked and the file does exist, so no idea why Unity Hub says it does not.

Hi there,

Sorry for the inconvenience. It looks like a bug to me.
Would you please send me your log files through a direct message, and I can take a look into it.
Logs are here: ~/Library/Application support/UnityHub/logs

I also have two questions:

  1. Is the /Volumes/Stockage an external drive? Does the current user have access to read it?
  2. What is the value of editor folder location (the one that you set on the settings menu in the header)



  1. yes, it is an external hard drive, actually it is a Micro SD Card and yes, the user have read and write access to it.
  2. The value is “/Volumes/Stockage 1/Applications”

In the Finder the volume is named “Stockage” but when I selected the “Application” folder inside it from the folder location filed from Unity Hub settings it is name “Stockage 1”. Despite that, the error message is is about “Stockage”.

I sent you the log by dm.


Having the same issue on an internal SSD drive (C:\ 2x512GB SSD drives in RAID)
Unity 2018.1.6f1 Win10 64 Pro

Hope it will be fixed soon, UnityHub looks really useful.

@afshinity any news about it ?


We are currently fixing an issue where there is a whitespace in the custom installation path (on mac). Assuming this issue is related to the fact that there is a whitespace is “Stockage 1”, it should be fixed in the next release.

Ok, I’ll give it a try as soon as the new release will be available !

Hi, sorry to up an old thread but I’m having this same issue. Hub version 1.6.0 trying to open a 5.6.1f1 project.

Hi there,
Would you please report a bug. That way we can take a closer look into the logs and figure out the issue

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Hi, sorry for the delay!
If I report a bug using the unity editor bug reporter itself it will include the log of the unity hub?

Sorry to double post.

So, I was able to fix this by simply moving the unity editor folder (the unity editor that was not launching, which was in its own program files folder) inside the Unity/Hub/Editor folder. The version I was trying to launch was not installed using the hub, btw. Now it’s working fine.

Hi ! Yes the Hub bug reporter includes automatically its logs.

My unity.exe was working as admin and this was causing the problem so I unchecked that admin permission and it opened.

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hello everyone, can help with the problem- error launching the editor license is invalid
help me please

@krokosobak , Hi !
Check in the license management tab of the hub if you have an active license. Try returning it and activating it again, if the issue persists, please report a bug through the hub bug reporter.

PUDE RESOLVERLO CHICOS! mi pc tiene windows 7 y me faltaban estos archivos: vcruntime140.dll,kb 2533623 y KB2999226. Entonces los descargue y los instale en mi pc y por fin pudo abrir el projecto!! tengo unity hub 2.0. espero que les funcione