Error launching build

Please Help - I have a project that runs fine in the editor. When I build and run, I get an error right way - before the resolution selection starting window.

The really strange part is that it only happens in this project. Other projects work fine. Also - the executable runs fine on other machines. Only this machine does it crash. I

I have restarted unity, restarted the computer, reimported the assets.

It’s like this particular project is broken - and only on this machine…

Thnaks in advance for any advice/tips

The problem is very strange - I have reinstalled unity and it still happens.

Build and run from other projects (new and old) works.

But I can’t run any executable built from this project - but only on this machine (it is a mac).

These same project executables built on this machine run on other machines - both windows and mac.

And I can also copy the entire project to another machine and build and run.

I can choose any scene and same problem. I can also disable Resolution Dialog - same problem.

It first started happening after switching version control mode to Meta files, but I have switched back.

Thanks again for any insight

I got it to work!!!

Posting in case anyone else experiences same issue.

After realizing builds of the project built on other machines still don’t work on this machine, I figured it had to be something to do with the name - as crazy as that sounds.

I renamed the executable inside the app ( located in APPNAME/app/Contents/MacOS/APPEXECUTABLE ). I also updated the plist to reflect the new name.

Finally, chmod 755 APPNAME/app/Contents/MacOS/APPEXECUTABLE.

And it works. It was like the os sandbox or somehting was blocking that specific name.

Not sure how to rename this in unity porject - I change project name but the executable inside still has old name.

Anyway - Mystery solved - kind of…

Anotherupdate - easier way to do this is to use Product Name in player settings…doh

Still can’t understand why name matters (only on this machine) but at least it works now